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Equipment to supervise- Machine to kill Update 2020: For some years we made a campaign against the weaponizing of drones for the Bundeswehr. Just in time of the Corona crisis the German defense ministry has started in the back room a "broad public ethical debate" on the purchase of waepons for the German drones - but this topic belongs to the real public. Update 2019: The Drones Quilts Project - In memory of children killed by US combat drones The exhibition consists of six patchwork blankets, each composed of 36 blocks of fabric. Each block of fabric commemorates a child killed by a US combat drone, whose name has been established by the prestigious British NGO, The Bureau of Invesitgative Journalism, through meticulous on-site research in Pakistan and Yemen. The exhibition includes 5 text panels with explanations of the murderous drone war of the USA. All information is available at https://a-fsa.de/drohnen-quilts/ . Recently, most of our articles have been about drones- a danger that two years ago most people didn’t know about. That’s why the working group Police & Secret Services from our campaign freedom instead of fear have been busy with this theme very thoroughly. The following text is also available as PDF. You will find it in the list of our publications for download. Content:
Already a few years, the Federal German Armed Forces are in possession of various drones for the surveillance of “the enemy” when in foreign assignments. Currently they are in the process of getting Fight drones for military assignments. Sensocopter
Police drone against demonstrations in in Dresden, Feb. 2011,
Already a few years, the Federal German Armed Forces are in possession of various drones for the surveillance of “the enemy” when in foreign assignments. Currently they are in the process of getting Fight drones for military assignments.
Supervision dronesThese drones are often small (not all) and fly quite low. They transfer videos to the one controlling them. In the EU- Project INDECT they are evaluating the video streams by using a software. “Abnormal behaviour” should be recognized automatically and countermeasures (identification, arrests, and more) are steered by programmes. ... Military dronesThe USA has most of these drones. They also have the most victims caused by military drones. The US Military are in possession of 183-244 Predator/Reaper, the CIA have 30-35 of them. It is planned that 100 drones more should be available. In 2004-2012, due to 350 drone attacks, Pakistan have lost 2600-3350 people including 500-900 civilians and 175 kids. All male dead, regardless of any proofs, are being called “terrorists”. An other 1400 people were injured in these attacks. At the moment the arsenal of our armed forces enclose:
Source: IMI Fact-Sheet „Drohnen-Kriege“, http://www.imi-online.de/download/Drohnen2012
Global Hawk, RQ-3, Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-NC-SA20
The Federal German Armed Forces want to purchase fight drones either the American type called Reaper or the Israeli type called Heron. Furthermore until 2020 the EU will develop their own fight drones. Arguments against drones
The two last arguments do not come from the “left corner of the peace friends” but from the magazine about foreign affairs and security policies, ADLAS 2/2012 ISSN 1869-1684, P. 28. The 16-year-old US citizen Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and his cousin are killed in Yemen by an US drone, just 14 days after a drone murdered his father because he was a “supposed terrorist”. How should their families put together basic values and clan custody/murdering? International assessment by experts of the German “Bundestag”Experts question the legitimacy of “targeted killings” in the fight against terrorism. The committee for human rights and humanitarian aid Berlin: (hib/AHE) Experts recognize a violation of international lay in the practice of “targeted killings”. That resulted in a hearing of the committee of human rights and humanitarian aid on Wednesday evening. Among other things the experts referred to the danger of a hollowing of the humanitarian international law. The background are the attacks of US military with armed drones on terrorists and terror suspects in Pakistan or in Yemen. Source: hib - heute im bundestag Nr. 111, Neues aus Ausschüssen und aktuelle parlamentarische Initiativen, Thu, Feb 28th 2013, time of going to press 10:55 ... Actions against Drones... Action by Codepink documented on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZsfKJc4Tgg Obama adviser John Brennan’s speech was disrupted by Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK. Over the weekend Benjamin helped organize the International Drone Summit in Washington, D.C.: "How many people are you willing to sacrifice? Why are you lying to the American people and not saying how many innocents have been killed? I speak out on behalf of Tariq Aziz, a 16-year-old in Pakistan, who was killed because he wanted to document the drone strikes. I speak out on behalf of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old born in Denver, killed in Yemen, just because his father was someone we don’t like. I speak out on behalf of the Constitution, on behalf of the rule of law. I love the rule of law. I love my country. You are making us less safe by killing so many innocent people." "Wie viele Leute sind Sie bereit zu opfern? Warum belügen Sie das amerikanische Volk und sagen nicht, wie viele Unschuldige getötet wurden? Ich spreche im Namen von Tariq Aziz, ein 16-Jähriger in Pakistani, der getötet wurde, weil er die Drohnenangriffe dokumentieren wollte. Ich spreche im Namen von Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, ein 16-Jähriger US Bürger aus Denver, im Jemen getötet, nur weil sein Vater jemand war, den wir nicht mögen. Ich spreche im Namen der Verfassung im Namen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Ich liebe die Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Ich liebe mein Land. Sie machen uns weniger sicher durch das Töten so vieler unschuldiger Menschen." More to the background of the video you will find here: To be continued ... We look for your comments to this topic (Mail to kontakt@aktion-fsa.de) Anti-Drone web sites: http://www.drohnenkampagne.de/ Our flyer to this topic "Keine Drohnen für Krieg und Überwachung" Fight drones: Interview with Jan van Aken Panorama Report (Nov. 2013) about the Secret war of the US Stop Britain being a launchpad for killer drones. Sign the petition Read more http://ammo.com/articles/armed-drones-obamas-weapon-of-choice-infographic Videos about drones:
200 Mio $ hightech Drone crashes - Euro Hawk Prototype Drohnen -- Neue „Wunderwaffe"? - Informationsstelle Militarisierung UAE: War robots on the loose in Abu Dhabi US-Drohnen töten Zivilisten - UN-Ermittlungen - RT 10.2.13 Living under drones, Jan 2013 (dt.) Illegaler Drohnenkrieg in Pakistan - Dennis Kucinich (US-Kongressabgeordneter) 22.12.12 3378 Tote durch Drohnen in Pakistan - US Kongressabgeordneter Dennis Kucinich 22.11.12 US-Drohnenkrieg: Antikriegsaktivistin protestiert bei Rede von Obama-Berater - 6.5.12
Category[27]: Polizei&Geheimdienste Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/1Yk Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/3310-20121215-drohnen-die-unsichtbare-gefahr.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/3310-20121215-drohnen-die-unsichtbare-gefahr.html Tags: #Aktivitaet #Bundeswehr #Kampfdrohnen #Militaer #Polizei #Ueberwachungsdrohnen #Drohnen #Geheimdienste #Ruestung #Krieg #Ueberwachung #Mord #Heimtücke #Quilts Created: 2012-12-15 16:02:00 Hits: 57207 Leave a Comment |
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