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FRONTex - FORT EUROPE - The FilmContentUpdate Januar 2017: The problems are solved and the film is noe ready for download again. We thank all helpers for their support. older Update July 2016: Sorry, but the film is not available at this time. We ar working at a solution with a piece of music in our film with GEMA. An update will exist until September 2016. MotivationLast year the FRONTex-Team of Aktion Freiheit statt Angst stated his concern about the EU refugee policy in a movie.
With the help of the filmmaker Paula Gepard we made a 20-minute documentary/feature film with music by Mark Kofi Asamoah. A first version was completed this spring and is available in German and English now.
*) The filmmaker Paula Gepard has problematized the fate of the refugees at the EU's external borders already in her short film "Its Europe or death". Aktion Freiheit statt Angst has shown her film about the history, the thoughts, the experience and the song of a young African about his hope "Europe" on several events during the Engagementwochen (week and commitment) and at the Peace Festival Berlin. Content of the filmFRONT-ex FORT EUROPE You might wonder, why people do flee to Europe?
Hunger, unemployment, destitution, illness, conflicts, wars... also corruption, bad management, robbery of landscapes, forced resettlement ... are the motivations of migration.
The human-rights-watch of Kenya anticipates negative outcome of EPA for its own rural market, for wheat, corn, milk, poultry farms in Kenya. As to Europe on the other hand, an open Kenyan market ...which means: they talk at cross-purposes... The EU insists on duties and quotas on cut flowers, fruits and vegetables from Kenya and other members of the joint venture agreement of East African Community, EAC. What about the victims ?
How many victims do they count ? Provable numbers counted by NGO's are 18 000 death between 1988 and 2011, the number of unreported cases is much higher... one counts one from four as victim of the sea. That would make 16 000 deaths every year. 16 000 human beings should be mourned by their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers… Between 2007 and 2008 about 50 000 people arrived in Europe each year. 2009 it was less. Why ? Italy and Gaddafi signed an agreement. Since then, the Libyan military force refugees back to their home countries. This contract is still valid. What about violation of human rights ? Violations of human rights do not exist only on the African continent. The right of asylum in European countries for example is contradicting in its restrictions the human rights. The “safe-(third-)country regulation“ for example qualifies asylum rights. That means: each EU-member decides by its own, whether a refugee comes from a “secure” country, so that this human can be send back... and the “Geneva Convention 1951” and its complementary protocol of New York 1967 depend on free decision of each member state. Human rights are not respected even on sea. Maritime law is suspended. Let me give you a few examples: Adrift trawlers are declared dangerous flotsam with the cruel consequence: merchant ships - capable and obliged to help by maritime law - are being rerouted. ... a small boat rolls helpless in the Mediterranean Sea with 27 persons from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroun and Sudan for 6 days ... two fish trawlers passed by without any help ... the captain of a Maltese ship gave them a chance: they were allowed to get into a trawl-net, but not to come on board ... 3 days and 3 nights they clang to the net ... in scorching heat and shivering with cold at night ... bare of food and drink, after more than 70 hours they were rescued by the Italian marine. A trawler „Cap Anamur“ picks up some refugees ... the captain is arrested because of “refugee smuggling” ... the boat is confiscated ... only 5 years later, in 2009 - the verdict of “not guilty”. Another example: in 2007 Tunesian fishermen rescue 44 refugees in distress on sea. They are arrested; 30 month custody. The boat is confiscated. in a following trial 4 years later ... in 2011 they are exonerated. And a last example of the never ending story, a boat with 82 humans from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Nigeria leaves the Libyan coast. The engine brakes down. Dozens other ships pass by without any help ...it was more than 3 weeks when 5 human beings were rescued ... 77 others died ... of hunger, thirst ...that means: FAILURE TO RANDER ASSISTANCE ! Are you familiar with FRONTEX ? Do you know what responsibility means?
According to a Brussels decision in 2013, this organization is to be reinforced by a program, called “Eurosur” ... with a planned budget of 300 million €; other estimations are 900 million €. Taking in account the FRONTEX annual budget of about 90 Million €, that would mean 1 Billion Euro yearly - hardly controlled by politics, as usual. By declaration, “protection” of the EU borders is mentioned as their duty and the management of „pushback“. It ist nothing but fair, to ask for the cost and the benefit of this institution? The industrialized world would not subsidize their products. The cotton-market of Mali broke down, when the highly subsidized US-cotton congested Mali. Likewise Europe congests the third-world with foodstuffs with cut-rate prices destroying local agrarian communities. German-Watch, the Evangelische Entwicklungsdienst (Protestant Overseas Development Service) and the Food-First-Information and Action-network inspected the Ghana-scandal: 30 000 tons meat yearly were exported from the EU to West-Africa - which means: 210 000 workplaces got lost in Africa and 1,4 million humans were send to poverty. And, following the scandal: when Ghana tried to escape the tragedy by customs, it was sanctioned by the IMF: if Ghana insisted to get a credit of 258 million US$, the custom-law had to be suspended during the 3-years repayment period. Jean Ziegler, member of the advising committee of UN Human Rights Council scandalizes the “schizophrenia of the nations”: Who - on the one hand - support struggling against hunger the FAO, world-food-program WFP, UNICEF and UN Development Program UNDP in aim for the protection of human rights and - on the other hand - promotes the World Bank, IMF and WTO, who prevent the outcome of these organizations by their politics of fundamental liberalization according to the Washington Consensus. Imagine, African nations were given a real chance of fair development ... wouldn't lots of refugees simply stay at home and the EU could do without their “protection” ... and in the long run even spare the foreign aid? Dreams ? Perhaps ... but not few people dream that dream ...
And José Graziano da Silva, economist and agrarian engineer, since January 2013 chair of the FAO, the UN Food Organization, who declares: “ ... we have to regulate the markets ... to get rid of agro subsidies ... we need a sustainable local agrarian sector ... the multinational groups have to get used to it ... the consumers as well ... the problems are: hunger on the one side ... overweight on the other “ And here, in the EU, in Germany, members of a Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation conference realized the refugee-problem quite well, claiming: “ ... get rid of the causes in the home countries, open the EU market for products of these countries, support their infrastructure and the creation of a basis of economic development ... strengthen fair trade ...” And the black people with African origin - who we meet perhaps daily, even in Germany - who do not want to get back ... because of shame ... only of shame ... hoping constantly to have success in this or the other way, in Germany, in Europe. And after the arrival ? Actually, it is more In the end - after 17 years - the boys succeed. They get their school-leaving certificate and study at German Universities. The youngest, Milad, finished already his studies with a scholarship. He got a job in IT-industries. German companies look actually for qualified personal - especially in the IT-field.
Unless you run, they'll kill you... only then I run ...” Adrien/ Ruanda Quo vadis Africa ? “We do not sell land. We only lease it from 40 to 100 years” declared the African ministers at the AGCO at the beginning of 2013 in Berlin. “That means” said Hervé Tcheumeleu, black African publisher of “LoNam”/ Berlin, “... taken an average of 60 years life expectancy, that nearly two generations do not have access to their soil ... the consequence is disastrous ... which means hunger ...” Africa is rich in mineral resources, in gold, silver, diamonds, copper, coal, coltan, phosphorus, oil… Africa is not poor, Africa is poorly managed ...
TrailerA three-minute trailer of the movie Frontex - FORT EUROPE can be downloaded here. Download:
Order the filmYou can order the film Frontex - FORT EUROPE on DVD. We will send you a DVD with the version in German and in English for a fee of € 5 by postal service. To order you can either transfer € 5 to Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. with full details of your address on the remittance slip, please. Otherwise you can allow us to get the money by a direct debit over € 5 from your account, using the form below. We guarantee that we will delete your personal data in both cases two weeks after sending the DVD. Only your transfer, or direct debit must be kept in our files for the financial authorities for 8 years, unfortunately. Order of the film by direct debit (Sorry this is not available in the moment)For a direct debit order, we require your name and account details for sending the DVD to your address. Therefore the fields in bold must be filled. Please also make sure that you have called this page encrypted (a lock is displayed in the browser), otherwise click here.
Kommentar: RE: FRONTex - FORT EUROPE "Organisierte Verantwortunglosigkeit" trifft es sehr gut. Auch die EU-Truppe von FRONTEX hält sich daran. So schrieb der Spiegel im Mai 2011: "Es war ein kurzer Moment des Glücks auf der Überfahrt in den Tod. 72 Flüchtlinge drängten sich auf einem Kahn, gerade mal sieben Meter lang, nur zwei Tage nach ihrer Abfahrt aus Tripolis gen Europa, gen der verlockenden Flüchtlingsinsel Lampedusa, waren sie schon in Seenot geraten. Aber nun kreiste über ihren Köpfen ein Helikopter, so erzählten es später die Überlebenden des Dramas den Reportern, bis er knapp über ihnen schwebte. Er seilte Wasserflaschen ab und ein paar Pakete Kekse. Die Flüchtlinge sahen, wie einer der Soldaten beschwichtigend die Hand hob. Hilfe naht, so interpretierten sie diese Geste. Dann drehte der Helikopter ab. Die Retter sollten nie kommen. Denn die Flüchtlinge waren zwar geortet worden. Aber wer sich um sie kümmern sollte, war keineswegs geklärt, das ist schließlich Sache der EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Wieder einmal hatten diese das Flüchtlingsleid durchaus gesehen, doch entschieden sich zum Wegsehen. Italienische Grenzbeamte alarmierten Malta, in dessen Seegebiet das Boot sich offensichtlich befand. Aber Behörden dort wollten später von so einem Anruf nichts gewusst haben. Zudem navigierten die Flüchtlinge haarscharf an der Grenze zur libyschen Verantwortungszone, doch dort herrschte Krieg. Ein Nato-Schiff befand sich in Nähe der Flüchtlingsbarkasse, eine spanische Fregatte war nur elf Seemeilen entfernt, ein italienisches Schiff lediglich 37 Seemeilen, so fand der Europarat später in einer Untersuchung heraus. Doch niemand half. Nach 15 Tagen wurde der Kahn an die libysche Küste geschwemmt, von 72 Insassen waren 63 tot." (s http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/eurosur-ueberwachung-statt-rettung-a-927140.html ) Melanie, 15.08.2014 13:52 Category[23]: Flucht & Migration Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2ib Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/4403-frontex-fort-europe.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4403-frontex-fort-europe.html Tags: #Asyl #Frontex #FortEurope #Film #FrontexTeam #Flucht #Folter #Abschiebung #Migration #Frontex #EuroDAC #Europol #Schengen #VisaWaiver #Verfolgung Created: 2014-01-01 10:04:32 Hits: 6478 Leave a Comment |
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