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Youth and students fight back against drone warfare!

Beginn: Sa, 13. Apr 00:00 CEST 2013
Ende:   Sa, 13. Apr 00:00 CEST 2013
Ort:   Washington, White House
Geodaten: (N38.8975),(W77.0360)
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Tags: Krieg, Militär, Drohnen, Frieden, Informationsfreiheit, Überwachung

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The April 13 demonstration demanding "U.S. Drones out of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Everywhere" is continuing to gain momentum with students from a number of universities and Palestine solidarity activists announcing contingents in the march!

While the Pentagon Generals and profiteers look to colleges and universities for the latest developments in drone technology, these institutions also contain a powerful force capable of challenging the war-makers.

On April 13, students from Temple, Duke, American, the CUNY system and across the country will join the march in Washington, D.C., and many other cities to demand an end to the U.S. government's murderous campaign of drone warfare around the world and the increasing use of drones by agencies of domestic repression.

Not only are the generals and politicians hoping to create more effective killing machines, they hope to recruit "pilots" from these campuses. For example, enrollment in the unmanned aircrafts systems operations major at the University of North Dakota has increased eight-fold since 2009.

Adding to other weapons development and ROTC programs, drone research has introduced a new dimension of cooperation between schools and the military-industrial complex that many students are determined to challenge.

At a time when student debt has reached enormous levels and tuition is rapidly spiraling out of control, it is especially outrageous that billions of dollars that could otherwise be used to make education accessible is going towards the development of deadly new weapons. It is becoming more apparent every day that students have more in common with the people of the countries targeted by U.S. imperialism than the political and economic elites in our own country.

In this spirit of international solidarity, we call on young people and students to build a powerful "Youth and Student" contingent demanding "U.S. drones off our campuses!" and "U.S. drones out of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Everywhere!"

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