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National anti-drone demonstration

Beginn: Sa, 13. Apr 00:00 CEST 2013
Ende:   Sa, 13. Apr 00:00 CEST 2013
Ort:   Washington, White House
Geodaten: (N38.8986),(W77.0366)
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Tags: Krieg, Militär, Drohnen, Demo, Aktionstag

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National and local organizations are coming together for a major protest on April 13 at the White House to Say NO to U.S. Drone attacks in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and everywhere.

The Coalition sponsoring the demonstration is growing rapidly as new organizations join the effort.

Endorsers include:

ANSWER Coalition; Cynthia McKinney, former Congressperson; Akbar Muhammad, International Rep. of Nation of Islam; Revival of Pan Africanism Forum; African Diaspora for Democracy and Development; CRI-Panafricain; Democratic Union of Gambian Activists - D.C.; Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general; Veterans for Peace; Col. Ann Wright; CODEPINK; CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations); CAIR-MD; Nisa Muhammad, writer, Final Call newspaper; Jared Ball, radio host, WPFW (Pacifica); Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ; Imam Mahdi Bray, Freedom Coalition; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Executive Director, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Zaki Baruti, Universal African Peoples Organization; American-Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC); Peta Lindsay, Party for Socialism and Liberation; Haiti Liberte; Political Education and Action Committee-Howard University; Students for Justice in Palestine-Temple U.; Conflict Free Campus Initiative-Temple U.; and many more.

JOIN THE RISING TIDE OF SUPPORT FOR THE APRIL 13 DEMONSTRATION and start mobilizing from your area to be at the White House on as we take our message straight to the war makers!

Buses, vans and car caravans will be coming from New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities.


As U.S. forces have begun to deploy to Niger to expand the deadly drone warfare program, now more than ever the importance of the April 13 demonstration is becoming clear. 100 armed U.S. troops are heading to Niger to set up a drone base aimed at assisting the French-led intervention in that country. This is on top of the 4,000 troops currently training in various war-fighting tactics to serve as a fast-response and "training" force for Africom. On every level and in a number of countries, the United States is expanding its drone program and deepening its military presence on the African continent.

On April 13 at the White House a growing coalition of groups and individuals will be coming together to say NO to this expansion of imperialist military power with drones at the tip of the spear. Endless war and hostility to the peoples of Africa and around the world is a policy that is totally contrary to the interests of the broad mass of American people. On the eve of the massive budget cuts of the so-called sequester, and despite all the hype about "Pentagon cuts," the machine of war still rolls on in the African continent and across the world, as working and poor people in America will be made to suffer more hardship.

The message from the Obama administration, Congress, the Pentagon and the entire elite establishment is more war, less for people's needs, here and across the globe. Add your name to the growing list of endorsers. Organize from your cities and towns to be in Washington, D.C., on April 13 to demand U.S. Imperialist Drones Out of Africa and Everywhere!

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
National Office in Washington DC: 202-265-1948

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