Illmenau: Human rights in a world of fear- in which society do we want to live?
Beginn: Mo 11. Mai 10:30:00 CEST 2009
Ende: Mo 11. Mai 12:00:00 CEST 2009
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Vortrag im Rahmen der ISWI 2009: Human rights in a world of fear - in which society do we want to live? Mass-surveillance: Data retention, biometric databases, CCTV surveillance, international exchange of personal data, passenger name records and secret no-flight-lists, the extension of competences of police authorities and the melting of the competences of polices, military and secret services on a large scale.
Tearing down basic priciples of democracy like the principle of subsidiarity, the principle of innocence until proven guilty and the principle, that secret investigations breaking basic civil rights always should be ultima ratio.
The european war on "illegal" immigration with Frontex and paramilitarian methodes at the borders of Europe, causing the death of thousands of refugees year by year.
This are the topics of the workshop about human rights vs. security.
But what are the reasons for the ongoing armament of the civil life by implementation of militarian logic into the sector of inner security and justice?
Who are the driving forces behind the evolving security sector reform? Since the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the "cold war", but latest after 9/11/2001, western societies are concentrating on new enemies: terrorism, illegal immigration copyright infringers and other threats on the field of inner security. This could mean: when the state loses the enemy from the outside, who leads to unity within, the politics has to find other enemies to keep the unity and social peace??
Or is it the melt-down of social safety programmes since the 80ies, which led politicians to slowly shift their rhethorics from "social security" to security in terms of police and militarian security - maybe to keep the citizens calm, giving them the feeling of safety and that "someone's doing at least something", even in times of increasing unemployment?
This and other questions are to asked during the workshop - and together we may find appropriate answers of the civil society against a wild-running surveillance mania. Ort: VHS 301 Zeit: 10:30 Referent: Ricardo Cristof Remmert-Fontes
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