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Action days against Country Embassy deportation Collaboration

Beginn: Mi, 09. Mai 14:00 CEST 2012
Ende:   Fr, 11. Mai 22:00 CEST 2012
Ort:   Stuttgart,
Tags: Menschenrechte, Abschiebung, Flucht, Migration, Kundgebung

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9-11 May Action days against Country Embassy deportation Collaboration

Join us to protest against Refugee country Embassy deportation
collaboration with the German State and to signal our resistance against
the German-European war on migration and its repressive elements.

The European Government is known for its practices of Refugee home country
Government by corruptly manipulating their issuance of deportation
documents through forced identification excercises to legitimate and
facilitate their deportation bussiness.

The Nigerian Embassy amongst many others takes the lead in this corruption
and abuse as the consular officer is more involved in mobile deportation
hearing on a monthly basis from one German State to another.

The Voice Refugee Forum with active support and solidarity from The
Caravan for the Rights of Migrant and Refugees, Activists, migrant
communities and Antiracist networks is organising a 3 days action in
Berlin with the target of internationally exposing these neo colonial
elements elements of the German-European war on Migration (i.e) Frontex
and its roles even to the boarders of refugee home countries.

Frontex being the European Border coordination Agency with Germany being
the largest Financer" is engaged in a massive lobby to engage refugee
countries in the brutal deportation operations in pretence for mutual
cooperation (i.e.) in January 2012, the Nigerian Government entered into
an aggreement on returning operations with frontex etc..

The Action days will focus on African Embassies targeted at Nigeria-
Guinea with active participation and support from many other Communities
and Activists from Cameroun, Algeria, Sudan, Syria, Afganistan, Pakistan,
Aszerbadjan, Iran, Uganda, Kurdistan, Mali, Niger, Gambia, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Somalia, Serria Leone, Republic of Benin and Togo and others who
may join in the course of the Campaign.

The action days will feature Demo, Workshop, Conference, Cultural
performances, Music, Poems, presentation and Testimonies from Refugees

Deportation is a form of racist elimination and purely portrays the German
culture of continuous dominance with a show of Refugees countries as less
developed and backward.

We are here because you destroyed our Countries and having gone through
all it takes to get here as victims of many hundred years of continuous
exploitation, slavery and Robbery, we are further confronted with
Isolation in Ghetto and persecuted through German State institutionalized

Deportation is a crime against Humanity. Please Join us to fight against
every form of colonial heritage.

RADIO Reboot.FM HÖREN; Interview with Mbolo Yufanyi on Action days against
Country Embassy deportation Collaboration in Berlin 9-11 May 2012.
Wir sind Flüchtling und werden Kämpfen für unsere Freiheit. Solidarität
für alle...


Wednesday, 09.05.12,
14:00 International Buffet / Info Tisch

Participants will be welcomed with an International Buffet alongside Info
Desk to serve as mobilisation for for the action days.

18:00 Discussion evening with Refugee Communities and Presentation of Frontex

Thursday: 10.05.12 ¨C Rally and Demonstration ¨C Abolish Deportation
Collaboration with Germanized Europe
The Demonstration will Start from the Premises of the Nigerian
Embassy(Neue Jackob Str 4)
11:00 is the meeting Time in front of the Nigerian Embassy

Demo starts
20:15 Film Premiere “Residenzpflicht” by Denise Garcia Bergt at Kino
Babylon, Rosa Luxemburg Str. 38.(Berlin Mitte)

Friday, 11.05.12 - 10:00hrs -22:00 hrs.
Refugees against the German state: Campaign against Deportations and
Residenzpflicht in Germany. “Karawane” International Tribunal-2013

The VOICE Refugee Forum,
Boeblingerstr 105, 70199 Stuttgart.

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