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Winchester: BILETA 2009 - The 24th Annual Conference

Beginn: Di 21. Apr 00:00:00 CEST 2009
Ende:   Do 23. Apr 23:59:59 CEST 2009
Ort:   West Downs Campus of the University of Winchester, Winchester SO22 4NR, UK
Geodaten: (0),(0)
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BILETA 2009 - The 24th Annual Conference

Tuesday 21 - Thursday 23 April 2009
Hosted by the Department of Law at the University of Winchester

"To Infinity and Beyond: Law and Technology in Harmony?"

Technology impacts increasingly on all areas of our lives, from e-commerce to e-learning. This year's annual conference focusses on the ways in which law and technology can move forward operating in harmony across the spectrum. Papers will fall into a wide range of categories including:

  • Intellectual property - including copyright, open source etc
  • E-learning
  • E-commerce
  • Virtual worlds / SNS
  • Intermediaries - IP providers
  • Infrastructure - including regulation and computer misuse
  • Privacy and data-protection
  • Cybercrime - including criminological aspects
  • Legal theory and critical perspectives
  • New technologies

Should you have any queries about this conference please contact Queries relating to bookings should be directed to

Keynote Speakers:

We are delighted to announce that the keynote speakers at the 2009 conference will be:

Jeremy Phillips, Intellectual Property Consultant with Olswang, Solicitors and Research Director of the Intellectual Property Institute. "Apples, Oranges and Blackberries get their just desserts"


Dr Richard Clayton of the Cambridge Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge 'It’s time to repeal Internet Legislation'

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