Brüssel: "Personal data - more use, more protection?"
Beginn: Di 19. Mai 00:00:00 CEST 2009Ende: Mi 20. Mai 23:59:59 CEST 2009
Ort: Europäische Kommission, Charlemagne-Gebäude, Brüssel
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"Personal data - more use, more protection?", 19-20 May 2009.

The European Commission organises a personal data use and protection conference to look at new challenges for privacy.
How should personal data be protected in a globalised world with increased mobility and in the wake of modern communication and information technologies and new policies? Which data is accessed and exchanged by public authorities and private companies? How well are current rules on international transfers of personal data working in a time of “cloud computing”? What are the expectations of individuals and business and society as a whole? These and other topical questions will be addressed by a conference on the use, exchange and protection of personal data in the EU, organised by the European Commission, which will take place in Brussels on 19 and 20 May 2009.
Interested individuals, business leaders, consumer associations, academics, data protection supervisors and public authorities from both the EU and third countries are invited to take part.
Among the speakers will be the Vice-president of the European Commission in charge of Justice, Freedom and Security, Mr Jacques Barrot.
The conference will give the opportunity to various stakeholders to express their views and questions on the new challenges for data protection and the need for an effective information management strategy in the EU. The conference is part of the Commission’s open consultation on how the fundamental right to protection of personal data can be further developed and effectively respected, in particular in the area of freedom, justice and security.
Interpretation will be provided in English, French and German.
- Press Release (will be provided later)
- Draft Programme
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- On-line registration form - For your participation, please register on-line before 3 May 2009 (close of business).
- "Personal data protection notice"
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- If you are interested in expressing your views and questions on the new challenges for data protection before the Conference, you are invited to join our Forum which will be active until 18 May 2009. (the link will be available shortly on this web page)
- The Conference will be webcast (the link will be available shortly on this web page)
- Photos will be available on the website after the Conference
- Any questions you may have can be sent to the following address:
- In case you are interested for all the recent updates regarding this event, please register for our "NewsLetter Registration" service:
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