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Report Back from Venezuela

Beginn: Do, 29. Aug 19:00 CEST 2024
Ende:   Do, 29. Aug 21:00 CEST 2024
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Venezuela, election, US, Maduro,

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Webinar: Report Back from Venezuela
Elections Observers Tell the Real Story
Thursday, August 29 at 7 PM EST

Hear from observers of the Venezuelan elections what really happened.
Ajamu Baraka, Vijay Prashad, Bahman Azad, Roger Harris and Zoe Alexander
Sponsored by by the United National Antiwar Coalition and the US Peace Council
The people of Venezuela voted to re-elect their president, Nicolas Maduro on July 28. This, despite the interference and harsh sanctions imposed by the US to try and defeat President Maduro and put an end to the Bolivarian Revolution. With no proof whatsoever, the US claims that the elections were not fair, but the electoral process in the US pales in comparison to that of Venezuela. In Venezuela the National Electoral Council is actually elected and insures that people, even in the poorest sections of society, have the opportunity to register and vote. Ballots are cast electronically, and a backup paper ballot is also cast. All parties can observe the counting of the ballots, and any party can call for a recount.
The US imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela were constructed in order to cause hardship on the people in the hope that they would turn against their government, and a US supported candidate could be installed instead. This would allow the Venezuelan oil and other resources to be again used to make profit for the US banks and corporations instead of the Venezuelan people. With more than 900 international election observers present, the Venezuelan people said, “no.” This is another defeat for US imperialism, which is being challenged throughout the world as never before. If we want a world of peace and justice, US imperialism must be ended.

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