Unwelcome NATO
Beginn: Sa, 06. Jul 10:00 CEST 2024Ende: So, 07. Jul 18:00 CEST 2024
Ort: Washington DC, USA, White House
Geodaten: (N38.8975),(W77.0360)
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Kontakt: https://www.worldbeyondwar.org
Tags: NATO, Summit, White House, Demo, Rally, KI, AI, künstliche Intelligenz, F16, F35, USA, Atomkrieg, Militär, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Israel, Palästina, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,
No to NATO - Yes to Peace
Attention Time Zone
The largest war machine ever will be celebrating itself, with the help of presidents and prime ministers, in Washington D.C., in July.
Can you come help us unwelcome NATO and hold a counter-summit featuring some of the strongest voices for a peaceful alternative to machinery that depends on conflict for its (temporary) survival?
If you can come to the July 6 counter-summit or the July 7 rally at the White House, or both, please let us know here.
The agenda includes a peace walk already underway, a gathering on the evening of the 5th, and other activities. The speakers list is amazing!
Offer or find rides or lodging. Share these graphics and videos. Learn about NATO.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, CODEPINK, DSA International Committee, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Global Women for Peace United Against NATO, International Peace Bureau, NC Peace Action, No to war – no to NATO, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, RootsAction.org, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Vrede, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US, World BEYOND War.
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