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Warschau: Anti-FRONTEX Aktionswoche

Beginn: Mo 16. Mai 00:00:00 CEST 2011
Ende:   Mo 23. Mai 23:59:59 CEST 2011
Ort:   Warschau
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Invitation to the Anti-Frontex Days in Warsaw

Shut down Frontex

TheWarsaw noborder collective RAS and the union of syndicalists of PolandZSP invites you to a week of actions from 16th to 23rd of May 2011against Frontex, the headquarters of which are located in Warsaw.

Throughout the week starting on May 16th there will take place amongstothers: screenings of films concerning immigrant issues, street games,workshops and meetings with European noborder groups. We will concludethe Anti-Frontex Days on May 23rd with a demonstration in front of theFrontex offices aimed against "Fortress Europe". We will stand togetheragainst discriminatory immigration policy and apartheid in Europe andin concern for the dire situation of thousands of migrants as a resultof official practices of dehumanization. This event and your supportare especially important, as Frontex functions here in Warsaw ratherinconspicuously and to the general ignorance of Polish society. WhilePolish authorities hail the presence of an EU headquarters in ourcapital city, few are actually aware of what this institution does, notonly in the Mediterranean, but also along the Polish border withUkraine and Belarus, since 2004 a heavily fortified external border ofFortress Europe. More particularly, on May 23rd we will commemorateMaxwell Itoya, a migrant of Nigerian origin who a year ago on this daywas brutally shot dead in the center of Warsaw by the police. His caseremains "unsolved" while the police murderer has returned to servicewithout any punishment.

We invite all groups that would like to join us in the action days.Please inform us about your arrival up to the end of April. Feel freeto ask questions: anti_frontex (at)

If your initiative wants to support the action days and the demonstration with its name, please write to: anti_frontex (at)

Please send this invitation to all your friends and groups that might be interested in comming to support our action!

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