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4 National March on Washington

Beginn: Sa, 04. Nov 14:00 CET 2023
Ende:   Sa, 04. Nov 17:00 CET 2023
Ort:   Washington, Freedom Plaza (Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th streets)
Tags: Israel, Palästina, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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Gaza is being bombed by the hour

The growing coalition of organizations mobilizing for the national march on Washington for Palestine is excited to announce that permits have been obtained! The demonstration will begin at 2:00 p.m. at Freedom Plaza (Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th streets). Tens of thousands will gather at this historic location in the heart of D.C. to raise our voices for justice.

Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE!

Hundreds of new endorsements are pouring in from across the country for this mass action. As Israel intensifies its genocidal assault on Gaza, more and more organizations and individuals are coming forward to stand with the Palestinian people. Initial co-sponsoring organizations include:

- Palestinian Youth Movement
- ANSWER Coalition
- American Muslim Association
- The People’s Forum
- National Students for Justice in Palestine
- Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
- U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)
- U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)
- Maryland2Palestine

Endorse the march here

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