Annual general meeting of the Fundamental Rights Platform

Beginn: Mo, 02. Jan 10:00 CET 2023
Ende:   Mo, 02. Jan 11:30 CET 2023
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: FRA, FRP, Meeting

ebinar to discuss the key highlights from FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2023

- 10:00 Opening and welcome, followed by an overview of the Fundamental Rights Report 2023 (FRR2023)
- 10:10 Part I: presentation of the key findings of the focus chapter of the FRR 2023 on the fundamental rights implications for the EU of the war in Ukraine and of the asylum and migration chapter of the FRR2023
- 10:30 Q&A
- 10:45 Part II: Selected highlights of FRR2023
- 11:10 Q&A
- 11:25 Wrap up and next steps

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