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History of African Americans Opposing Nukes

Beginn: Fr, 03. Feb 08:00 CET 2023
Ende:   Fr, 03. Feb 10:00 CET 2023
Tags: Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln, Rassismus,

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African Americans Against the Bomb
Book Club: African Americans Against the Bomb with Vincent Intondi

In February 2023 World BEYOND War will be holding a weekly discussion each of
four weeks of /African Americans Against the Bomb/// with the author Vincent
Intondi as part of a small group WBW book club limited to a group of 18
participants. WBW will buy each participant an electronic version of the book (a
Kindle, a Nook, or a Google Play version). We'll let you know which parts of the
book will be discussed each week along with the Zoom details to access the

Attention: Time Zone !!!!
When: For one hour on four Fridays, February 3, 10, 17, 24, 2023. The time is
19:00 UTC (similar to GMT), at 9 a.m. in Honolulu, 11 a.m. in Los Angeles, 1 pm
in Mexico City, 2 pm in New York, 7 pm in London, 10 p.m. in Moscow, and on
Saturday at 6 am in Sydney, 8 am in Auckland.

Where: Zoom (details to be shared upon registration)

This is a small group series with limited space of up to 18 people. *Sign up to
reserve your spot and allow for enough time to receive the book. We look forward
to reading and discussing this important book with you!*

About the Book:

Well before Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke out against nuclear weapons,
African Americans were protesting the Bomb. Historians have generally ignored
African Americans when studying the anti-nuclear movement, yet they were some of
the first citizens to protest Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Now for the first time, African Americans
Against the Bomb tells the compelling story of those Black activists who fought
for nuclear disarmament by connecting the nuclear issue with the fight for
racial equality.

Intondi shows that from early on, Blacks in America saw the use of atomic bombs
as a racial issue, asking why such enormous resources were being spent building
nuclear arms instead of being used to improve impoverished communities. Black
activists' fears that race played a role in the decision to deploy atomic bombs
only increased when the U.S. threatened to use nuclear weapons in Korea in the
1950s and Vietnam a decade later. For black leftists in Popular Front groups,
the nuclear issue was connected to colonialism: the U.S. obtained uranium from
the Belgian controlled Congo and the French tested their nuclear weapons in the

By expanding traditional research in the history of the nuclear disarmament
movement to look at Black liberals, clergy, artists, musicians, and civil rights
leaders, Intondi reveals the links between the Black freedom movement in America
and issues of global peace. From Langston Hughes through Lorraine Hansberry to
President Obama, African Americans Against the Bomb offers an eye-opening
account of the continuous involvement of African Americans who recognized that
the rise of nuclear weapons was a threat to the civil rights of all people.

"This exclusive focus on anti-nuclear activism provides a much-needed addition
to the small but growing scholarship on those who opposed nuclear weapons
throughout the Cold War and beyond. Intondi's narrative is detail-oriented yet
readable, and examines a vast array of Black voices discussing nuclear weapons
within the broader contexts of civil rights, colonialism, and peace. He uses an
impressive array of Black newspapers, as well as a large archival base, to cover
the anti- nuclear sentiments of clergy, union leaders, civil rights organizers,
pacifists, civic leaders, and more." -- Kyle Harvey ― Canadian Journal of History

"The Civil Rights Movement did not exist in an historical vacuum. Dr. King spoke
of the need to fight against 'racism, materialism, and militarism,' and
Intondi's stirring narrative effectively shows how nuclear disarmament was part
of the broader struggle. This is an important read for those who are interested
in properly understanding the black freedom movement and U.S. foreign policy."
-- Benjamin Todd Jealous ― former President and CEO of the NAACP

"Intondi's work provides a significant historiographical contribution to the
history of antinuclear activism in the United States...Intondi's particular
focus on African Americans illustrates the struggles they faced to have their
message heard and to not be restricted in the types of activism they could
engage in." -- Javan D. Frazier ― H-War

"The African American contribution to nuclear discourse should be deemed an
essential part of the conversation on the fraught history of American nuclear
development. Intondi's well-written, well-researched book makes certain these
efforts will be known." -- Gerald Horne, John and Rebecca Moores Professor of
History ― University of Houston

"Intondi's work provides a significant historiographical contribution to the
history of antinuclear activism in the United States . . . Intondi's particular
focus on African Americans illustrates the struggles they faced to have their
message heard and to not be restricted in the types of activism they could
engage in." -- Javan D. Frazier ― H-War, H-Net

"Intondi has produced a well-researched, succinct account of African American
involvement in the crusade to contain the threat of atomic warefare . . . Highly
recommended" -- J.H. Smith ― CHOICE

"As a young man I was moved by two issues, civil rights and the threat of
nuclear war, and it took me many years to understand how those crises were
inseparable. Vincent Intondi's original research will shake the complacent
assumption that the civil rights and anti-nuclear movements could be segregated.
Intondi shows that ever since the Bomb first was dropped on people of color in
1945, African-Americans have been in the forefront of the campaign to stop the
deployment of nuclear weapons. He corrects a historical misunderstanding and
contributes to an important new perspective on our history. A brilliant first
book by a young historian seeing the world with new eyes." -- Tom Hayden ―
Director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center

"To his great credit, Intondi's study connects two strands of scholarship that
are often kept separate, namely peace history and the black freedom struggle . .
. [H]is book provides much-needed context for those who, hopefully, will explore
such topics. We need more research on activists' efforts to connect opposition
to nuclear weapons (and peace issues more broadly) with the black freedom
struggle." -- Robbie Lieberman ― American Historical Review

"African Americans Against the Bomb―a well-written, well-researched historical
study by Vincent Intondi―explores an important subject: African-American
resistance to nuclear weapons...Intondi's pioneering study will serve as an
important guide to this intriguing subject." -- Lawrence S. Wittner ―
Nonproliferation Review

"Built on solid archival research, African Americans Against the Bomb raises as
many questions as it answers, but it remains an important contribution to
broadening our scholarly conceptions of nuclear history . . . The greatest
strength of Intondi's work is in providing an overview of the links between the
black freedom struggle, colonialism, and nuclear weapons." -- Sean L. Malloy ―
The Journal of American History


About the Author:

Vincent Intondi is a Professor of History and Director of the Institute for
Race, Justice, and Civic Engagement at Montgomery College in Takoma Park,
Maryland. From 2009-2017, Intondi was Director of Research for American
University’s Nuclear Studies Institute in Washington, DC. Prior to teaching at
Montgomery College, Intondi was an Associate Professor of History at Seminole
State College in Sanford, Florida. Intondi regularly works with organizations
exploring ways to include more diverse voices in the nuclear disarmament
movement. His research focuses on the intersection of race and nuclear weapons.
He is the author of the book, /African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear
Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement/ with Stanford University


World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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