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Hackathon to improve Free Software tools

Beginn: Sa, 11. Jun 12:00 CEST 2022
Ende:   Sa, 11. Jun 20:00 CEST 2022
Ort:   Berlin-Friedrichshain, Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin; c-base
Geodaten: (N52.5130),(E13.4200)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Hackathon, Free Software, tools, c-base,

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Mobilizon Event

Hello, the team is writing to invite you to a hackathon on Saturday 11 June at c-base from from 12:00/14:00 (to be determined) to 20:00. We want to improve Free Software tools to make life easier for organizers/promoters to cross-post events on Mobilizon and other event-management platforms.

It is time to take back *our* culture from the grips of Silicon Valley.

Please share this invitation with your communities.

If you organize/promote events: we need input from you to make sure the cross-posting tools meet your needs!

If you hack, develop, document: we need your help improving and documenting the tools so they are ready for daily use by club, party, and event organizers in Berlin ... and elsewhere!

You can get actively involved or just stop by to say hello and get to know us.

*Mobilizon Event* This is the best way to get updates about the event:

*When* Saturday 11 June, from 12:00 or 14:00 (to be determined) to 20:00 CEST

*Where* c-base, Rungestraße 20 (near U8 Jannowitzbrücke / Heinrich-Heine-Strasse)


*Who* You

*What* The two tools we will test and hack on are:

- "Mobilizon-reshare", a tool that allows organizers to share events from Mobilizon instances such as to a broad selection of platforms (Facebook, Mastodon, Twitter, Telegram, Zulip), enabling automation of social media strategies and offering the possibility for people to attend an event without being forced to use a platform like Facebook (network effect).

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CC Lizenz   Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network   Bundesfreiwilligendienst   Wir speichern nicht   World Beyond War   Tor nutzen   HTTPS nutzen   Kein Java   Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft

logos Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Creative Commons Bundesfreiwilligendienst Wir speichern nicht World Beyond War Tor - The onion router HTTPS - verschlüsselte Verbindungen nutzen Wir verwenden kein JavaScript Für Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft