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Employer suppression of free speech

Beginn: Di, 24. Jun 16:00 CEST 2022
Ende:   Di, 24. Jun 17:30 CEST 2022
Ort:   weltweit

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Unequal power in the workplace is silencing workers

Americans support free speech protections from government interference, but many are unaware that employers can suppress free speech.

Tuesday, May 24
4:00–5:30 p.m. ET, 1:00–2:30 p.m. PT
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Americans support free speech protections from government interference, but many are unaware that employers can suppress free speech of workers even when they are off duty or outside of work.

Join the Economic Policy Institute

and Seattle University School of Law Professor Charlotte Garden for a panel discussion delving into this issue. Garden will discuss hernew report

on how Americans essentially lose their right to free speech when they become employed. Her report is a part of EPI’s “Unequal Power” series of papers exploring how unequal bargaining power in the workplace undermines freedom, fairness, and democracy.

The restrictions on free speech include constraints on the ability to communicate with co-workers that is so essential to union organizing drives. Employers can suppress free speech because of the “at-will” employment doctrine that allows employees to be fired for bad or arbitrary reasons or no reason at all.

The legal protections from employer suppression of free speech are limited and patchy, making it impossible for workers to know when they will or will not be protected. Moreover, there are substantial difficulties to enforcing one’s rights in court after they have been disciplined or terminated. Employees are left to speak up at their own peril, undoubtedly making silence seem the safer choice.

This webinar is part of our Unequal Power
initiative, bringing together research arguing economic policy, employment law, philosophy, and political science need to return to the fundamental understanding of today's workplace reality of unequal bargaining power.

Tuesday, May 24
4:00–5:30 p.m. ET, 1:00–2:30 p.m. PT

Economic Policy Institute
Zoom (

Featured speakers:
Charlotte Garden, Professor, Seattle University School of Law
Matthew Ginsburg, Associate General Counsel, AFL-CIO
Maria Somma, Organizing Director, United Steelworkers

Wilma Liebman, Former Chair, National Labor Relations Board

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