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Ukraine Emergency: Join Us Online Monday

Beginn: Mo, 31. Jan 08:30 CET 2022
Ende:   Mo, 01. Jan 11:00 CET 2022
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Ukraine, USA, NATO, Russland, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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World BEYOND War

Attention Time Zone !!!

Sign up for our urgent online gathering with key speakers about the Ukraine crisis on Monday, January 31, at 8:30 p.m. ET.

Speakers will include:

Katrina vanden Heuvel*, editorial director of "The Nation" magazine, columnist for the "Washington Post".
*Ann Wright*, retired U.S. Army colonel, retired diplomat, author, activist.
*Vladimir Kozin*, member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences, speaking from Moscow.
*Norman Solomon*, co-founder and national director of, author, activist.

Moderator will be:

David Swanson, campaign coordinator of, executive director of World BEYOND War.

Sign up here now to get the link. [ ]

The Doomsday Clock, measuring *the danger of nuclear war*, is as close as ever to midnight.

Click here [ ] to tell Congress and the White House to move away from war between nuclear governments.

Here's the start of an email to your Representative, Senators, and the President. We encourage you to edit it and add your own words:

"I insist, as your constituent, that you must do everything in your power to prevent war in Ukraine.

Imagine if Russian weapons or troops were anywhere near the U.S. border -- our country would demand that all the weapons, troops, and military alliances to be removed from the hemisphere.

But the rhetoric we keep hearing from Capitol Hill and the White House refuses to acknowledge the dangerous double standard as the U.S. government and NATO continue sending troops and weapons to Eastern Europe,

It is a self-fulfilling exercise -- fueling Russian hostility in the name of combating Russian hostility – whereas meeting Russia's reasonable demands would be no more than you would expect with the roles reversed.

Enough! Let us have peace!"

Click here to edit and send your email!

[ ]GRAPHIC: Sign here button [ ]

Read more about militarism and foreign policy at "Progressive Hub".

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