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US, Russian and Ukrainian Peace activists talk about the war threats at the Russian border

Beginn: So, 06. Feb 12:00 CET 2022
Ende:   So, 06. Feb 14:00 CET 2022
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Ulraine, USA, NATO, Russland, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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US/NATO Aggression at the Russian Border

A conversation between US, Russian and Ukrainian Peace activists

Webinar, Sunday, February 6,

Attention Time Zone!!!
12 noon Eastern (US/Canada)

Click here or the image below to register

Speakers will include:

Ajamu Baraka, National Organizer, Black Alliance for Peace

Larissa Shessler, Chair, Union of Political Emigrants & Political prisoners of

Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Sapce

Joe Lombardo, Coordinator, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

Vladimir Kozin, Correspondent member, Russian Academy of Science

Leonid Ilderkin, Coordinating Council of the Union of Political Emigrants &
Political Prisoners of Ukraine.

Corporate media in the US has been warning about a possible invasion of Ukraine
by Russia. This, Russia denies. But this propaganda has been used by the Biden
Administration to whip up sentiment for war. Billions of dollars of US arms
have been sent to Ukraine, Ukraine has massed an estimated 145,000 troops on
the Russian border with US “advisors” supporting their effort. For years the US
and its Western allies have moved NATO into Eastern European and former Soviet
States in violation of agreements made with Russia. They have installed
missiles at the Russian border and conducted “war games” at the Russian
border. Today’s threat is a threat against a major nuclear power that puts the
entire world in danger. Join us for this important webinar with voices for
peace from Russia, Ukraine and the US.

Click here for UNAC's statement on the situation on the Russian border

Actions being planned

UNAC and other organizations are putting together a joint statement in
opposition to recent war moves and calling for street actions and possibly an
online rally on or Saturday, February 5. Make plans now. An online place to
list your actions and more information to follow soon.

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