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The World Stands Up to Sanctions - webinar

Beginn: So, 23. Jan 13:00 CET 2022
Ende:   So, 23. Jan 15:00 CET 2022
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Sanktionen, USA,

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sanctions primarily hurt the populations of the sanctioned countries

Join this important webinar sponsored by the Sanctions Kill Coalition of which
UNAC is a founding member

Attention Time Zone !!!!!!!
*Sunday, January 23, 1 PM EST*

Click here or the image below to register

Julian Assange image

Speakers include:

*Francisco Campbell* - Nicaraguan Ambassador to the US
*Carlos Ron* - Venezuelan Vice Minister for North America
*Deacon Yoseph Teferi* - Chairman of the Ethiopian American Civic Council
*Foad Izaadi* - Associate Professor, University of Tehran
*Erica Jung* - Nodutdol, Korean grassroots organization
*Elias Amare* - Eritrean American journalist

Sanctions have been imposed on more than 40 countries by the United States in
order to help create dissent and push for coups and destabilization. These
sanctions primarily hurt the populations of the sanctioned countries. This is
especially true now, during the COVID pandemic, as the US denies many of them
vaccines and medical equipment.

But sanctioned countries are now working together and finding ways to fight
back. Learn what is happening at the “World Stands Up to Sanctions” webinar.


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