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"European approaches towards a Sustainable Digitalization"

Beginn: Do, 06. Mai 15:00 CEST 2021
Ende:   Do, 06. Mai 18:00 CEST 2021
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Klima, Transparenz, Informationsfreiheit, Digitalisation, Meinungsmonopol, Meinungsfreiheit, Ungleichbehandlung,

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Bits & Bäume Community

International Symposium
European approaches towards a Sustainable Digitalization
May 6th, 2021, 15.00-18.00 CET, online

Dear Bits & Bäume Community,
we would like to invite you to the International Symposium "European approaches towards a Sustainable Digitalization" on the 6th of May 2021.


European approaches towards a Sustainable Digitalization
May 6th, 2021, 15.00-18.00 CET, online via Zoom


Register here


Opening Panel

A European Way for a Sustainable Digitalization - introduction to the topic and the scope of the Symposium


· Tilman Santarius, TU Berlin
· Daniel Lang, Leuphana University Lüneburg
· Friederike Rohde, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)

Parallel Workshops

The European approach for a sustainable digitalization from three perspectives

Workshop I:
A three-level approach for a sustainable digital transformation

For this workshop we invite political actors to discuss with us necessary political and administrative framework conditions at different levels. What enablers do we need at a social, organizational, and individual level? What consequences derive from our findings? What is needed to promote individuals, organizations and society for design of appropriate framework conditions for the 21st century?


· Eva Maydell, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)

(further speakers are currently being requested)

Workshop II:
Forging a European interdisciplinary science network on digitalization and sustainability

This track will introduce the thematic approach of the European dialogue project "Digitalization for Sustainability - Science in Dialogue", and offer discussions with participants on mutual findings and blind spots on the road towards a deep sustainability transition. Moreover, we want to reflect on the ongoing policy processes at EU and global level.


· Angelika Hilbeck, ETH Zurich
· Mattias Höjer, KTH Stockholm
· Éliane Ubalijoro, Sustainability in the Digital Age initiativ
· Tim Unwin, UNESCO Chair in ICT4D

Workshop III:
The 'Bits & Bäume Movement' goes Europe

The third session aims at discussing ideas and prospects for collaborative action of civil society and science to call for a European policy for sustainable digitalization. What can we learn from the German 'Bits & Bäume Movement'? How can a comprehensive agenda for sustainable digitalization encouraged by European civil society organizations look like? What could be joint activities?


· Vivian Frick, Bits & Bäume and IÖW

· Stephanie Hankey, Tactical Tech

· Gauthier Roussilhe, Designer and researcher, Design Research Center, ENS Saclay

Closing Panel

>From concept to action: How can elements of a sustainable digitalization be implemented?

In the closing panel discussion, next concrete initiatives, collaborations and key levers on the way to implementation will be discussed. Furthermore, it is discussed to what extent the Digital Services Act/EU Council Decision in their current forms are suitable for pushing forward a sustainable digitalization across Europe.


· Eva Maydell, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)

· Michelle Thorne, Mozilla Foundation

· David Jensen, UNEP Digital Transformation Task Force

Further Information

Best regards

Institute for Ecological Economy Research
Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)
Potsdamer Str. 105
10785 Berlin

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