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Meeting on Frontex now public!

Beginn: Do, 04. Mar 12:15 CET 2021
Ende:   Do, 04. Mar 14:00 CET 2021
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Asyl, Flucht, Folter, Abschiebung, Migration, Frontex, Fluggastdatenbank, EuroDAC, Europol, Schengen, Visa Waiver, Verfolgung, WeMove, FRA, FRP,

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Frontex Scrutiny Working Group

Through our tweets and emails to Roberta Metsola MEP, our voices were heard
and together, we made a difference. Yesterday afternoon, the EU Parliament
announced that today's meeting of the new Frontex Scrutiny Working Group
will be accessible to the public and streamed live.

Our MEPs will question Frontex Director Fabrice Leggeri on human rights
abuses on Europe's borders, and the public will be able to hear how he
responds. *The meeting will no longer be held behind closed doors.*

We can follow the meeting live today at 12:15 CET today with the following

Our community was made for moments like these, and together we'll continue
to fight for transparency!

David (London), Giulio (Rome), and the entire WeMove Europe team

WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to
build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future
generations and the planet.

WeMove Europe, Planufer 91, Berlin

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