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Online Censorship Beyond Trump and Parler

Beginn: Mi, 03. Feb 11:00 CET 2021
Ende:   Mi, 03. Feb 13:00 CET 2021
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Changing Cities, Verkehr, Kfz, Mobilität,

Diesen Termin als .ics Kalendereintrag herunterladen:  

EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation

Pay Attention: Time Zone PST !!!

Join EFF and a host of platform and content moderation experts with experience at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest for a provocative conversation about the free speech issues facing us today. From the takedown of Parler to the removal of Trump, get an inside look at how these decisions are made, and the ways they can affect everyone on the Internet.

Schedule: February 3, 2021 - 11:00am to 1:00pm PST
11:00-11:45: Infrastructure: Scalpels and Hammers
11:45-12:30: Back to the Future? Content Moderation Past and Present
12:30-1:00: Tying it All Together: How EFF Thinks About All This

We'll start the discussion with a conversation about the risks created by companies at the infrastructure level—like Amazon Web Services or Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS app stores—when they refuse to host or support speech they don’t like. Following that, we'll discuss content moderation policies with individuals working (currently or formerly) in the policy space to get their perspective on the issues of the day, and how the challenges and solutions have changed in the last decade. And to close out the event, prominent thinkers from various teams at EFF will talk about the central issues that have been raised over the last few years by social media platforms and the like, from moderation to competition to the problems of

This event will be live streamed via Twitch [], where you can chat and ask questions. It will also be streaming on Facebook Live [] and YouTube Live [].

EFF is dedicated to a harassment-free experience for everyone, and all participants are encouraged to view our full Event Expectations. []

Register Now []

Thank you,

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading organization protecting
civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, we defend free
speech online, fight illegal surveillance, promote the rights of digital
innovators, and work to ensure that the rights and freedoms we enjoy are
enhanced, rather than eroded, as our use of technology grows. EFF is a
member-supported organization. Find out more at

815 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94109-7701
United States


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