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Surveillance & the Right to Dignity

Beginn: Mo, 17. Jan 19:00 CET 2020
Ende:   Mo, 17. Jan 21:00 CET 2020
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Open Rights Group, ORG, Paypal, Facebook, Twitter, Toll Collect, Scoring, Cyber-Mobbing, soziale Netzwerke, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Lauschangriff, Überwachung, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Videoüberwachung, Rasterfahndung, Datenbanken, Freizügigkeit, Unschuldsvermutung, Verhaltensänderung,

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the impact of corporate surveillance

Dear supporters,

Monitoring and profiling by tech companies leads to breaches of privacy but it also breaches our dignity.

Join ORG Glasgow online on Monday 17 August for a panel discussion about the impact of corporate surveillance on the right to dignity.


Howard Ayo is a doctoral researcher at the University of Ulster, UK. His research examines the national action plan on business and human rights. He has long been involved in practical human rights and development policy work.

Maria Farrell has worked in tech policy for twenty years, including at the World Bank, ICANN, the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, the Confederation of British Industry and The Law Society of England and Wales. Her current focus is on how to imagine and build technological and political futures most of us actively choose to live in.

Dr Clare Llewellyn from the University of Edinburgh is interested in the development and definition of cross-disciplinary methodological and ethical techniques and standards in the GovTech domain. She has developed novel data analysis techniques using natural language processing, supervised and unsupervised machine learning and statistical analysis.

Attention Time Zone !!!
Monday 17 August 7pm BST
Register here:

See you on Monday.

Matthew Rice
Scotland Director
Open Rights Group

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