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4 th International Congress against Military Bases and Wars

Beginn: Fr, 25. Sep 11:00 CEST 2020
Ende:   Fr, 25. Sep 17:30 CEST 2020
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: Ramstein, USA, Militärbasis, Drohnensteuerung, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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Aktionstage 2020

25. September · 11:00 - 17:30 CEST

We invite you to the 4th international congress against military bases and wars. We will discuss about the international political situation and how to enlarge our struggle against war machinery and warfare.

Corona changes many things including the structure and the arrangement of our congress. It will be a hybrid
meeting with physical presence and video participation via Zoom. We will publish the link and Meeting ID for Zoom here soon.

Key points of the international conference will be:

• the actual political situation and relevance of military bases and presence of war machinery in conflict regions worldwide

• what to do to come back to an international policy of cooperation

• exchange of information about the actions against military bases in different countries in the world

• analysis of social movements worldwide for cooperation in our struggle for disarmament

• coordination for future common actions, specially how to strengthen the international Anti Bases network

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