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Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States

Beginn: Do, 16. Jul 14:00 CEST 2020
Ende:   Do, 16. Jul 16:00 CEST 2020
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: USA, Venzuela, Sanktionen, Wirtschaft, Corona, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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No Sanction on Venezuela

The Embassy Protection Collective invites you to an important virtual meeting:

"Strengthening Solidarity between Social Movements in Venezuela and the United States"

Thursday, July 16 at 2:00 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific
Attention: Time Zones !!!!!!

Find it on Facebook here.

Representatives of social movements in Venezuela and the United States will discuss current US and allied interventions against Venezuela and concrete ways we can build greater solidarity to end US imperialism.

The four Embassy Protection Collective members who were arrested inside the embassy last year will also speak on the call. Watch a video of them speaking about the experience and why we must build solidarity:

The meeting will be conducted in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

It will be live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.

Below is a list of participating groups. If your organization would like to endorse this event, please contact

Género con Clase
5ta Ola
Centro de Estudio de Economías Emergentes
Misión Verdad
Alba Tv
Unión Comunera
Comuna 5 de marzo
colectivo Cacriphoto
Comuna Altos de Lidice
Internacionales del PSUV.
El otro Beta
Rompiendo la Norma.
Frente Francisco de Miranda
Instituto Decolonial
La otra escuela
Puente Sur.
Alba Movimientos
mov afro
Catedra de estudios sobre EEUU

United States*:
Alliance for Global Justice
Friends of Latin America
Foro de Sao Paulo - WDC/MD/VA
Green Party NJ
Peace Action - Baltimore
Popular Resistance
United National Antiwar Coalition
United States Peace Council
Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press
World Beyond War
*more to come

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