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US sanctions during COVID-19 - Hear leaders of sanctioned countries

Beginn: Sa, 09. Mai 16:00 CEST 2020
Ende:   Sa, 09. Mai 20:00 CEST 2020
Ort:   weltweit

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US Sanctions during COVID-19 Pandemic, a global threat

Hear the voices from the countries under sanctions

Webinar, May 9th, 4 PM EST Attention Time is EST

This webinar will feature government representatives of several countries under
harsh US imposed sanctions. The speakers will include:

Venezuela — Carlos J. Ron Martinez, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Syria — Dr. Bashar Ja’afari, Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations
Nicaragua — Francisco O Campbell, Nicaraguan Ambassador to the U.S.
Cuba — Ana Silvia Rodriguez Abascal, Charge des Affaires of the Cuban
Mission to the UN
Zimbabwe — Dr. Frank Guni, Secretary for Administration, ZANU-PF North


The webinar will also be livestreamed to the Facebook page of Stop the Machine!

If your group has a Facebook page, you can share this livestream from that
Facebook page to your own.

The US has imposed economic sanctions against 39 countries. In many cases,
this denies them access to medicine and medical equipment as well as access to
world markets for food and other necessities. During the coronavirus crisis the
US, with the highest death count in the world, has upped the sanctions against
countries like Iran and Venezuela, and has tried to weaponize COVID-19 to bring
down governments that will not follow the dictates of Washington and Wall
Street. The UN has asked that sanctions be loosened during this crisis but the
US has done the opposite. Many US allies have broken with them and sent medical
aid to some of these countries. Now is an important time for the people in the
US to come out strongly against these sanctions, which are simply war by other

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