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Giving Tuesday Now: The impact of coronavirus on refugees

Beginn: Mo, 05. Mai 13:00 CEST 2020
Ende:   Mo, 05. Mai 15:00 CEST 2020
Ort:   weltweit
Tags: UNHCR, Asyl, Flucht, Folter, Abschiebung, Migration, Frontex, Fluggastdatenbank, EuroDAC, Europol, Schengen, Visa Waiver, Verfolgung,

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Support refugees and those forced to flee

Like you, I'm at home today, practicing social distancing and concerned about my family and my community. And like you, I support refugees and those forced to flee. My work with UNHCR has allowed me to meet refugees in camps and in many countries. I am acutely aware that this pandemic can quickly undo all the progress we've made in addressing the rights and needs of refugees globally.

Coronavirus is a global public health emergency that doesn't discriminate. It impacts all of us. As you know, refugees are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet. If we are truly to prevent the spread of coronavirus, we must do all that we can to ensure refugee communities are part of our global response.

And that's why I'm excited to share a special invitation with you.

Attention: Time is 1pm Eastern Time !!

Please join me next week on #GivingTuesdayNow, May 5, at 1:00 p.m. ET for a video briefing I'll be participating in with USA for UNHCR.

I'll be joined by Ann Burton, Chief of Public Health Section for UNHCR and Anne-Marie Grey, Executive Director and CEO of USA for UNHCR. We will share insights and stories from refugee communities on the frontline of this pandemic. I know you’re as concerned about refugee families as I am. Our briefing aims to help you better understand the important work that’s underway to keep refugees safe. And I know you’re wondering what you can do to help. So join the call, and learn what we can do together.

You'll be able to submit your questions ahead of time. I am excited to hear from you, and share some behind-the-scenes information and first-hand stories from the field.

I'm sincerely grateful for your dedication to refugees, and hope you can join me.

Ben Stiller
UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador

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