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50 Cities Are Now Demonstrating – No New War!

Beginn: Sa, 04. Jan 13:00 CET 2020
Ende:   Sa, 04. Jan 14:00 CET 2020
Ort:   Berlin-Mitte, Brandenburger Tor, Pariser Platz, 10117 Berlin
Geodaten: (N52.5160),(E13.3780)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Staatsterrorismus, SWP, Politik, Völkerrecht, Iran, Irak, USA, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,

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No more war - stop killing by drones

Berlin, Germany , 1pm at Brandenburger Tor / Pariser Platz

The Trump administration and Pentagon have moved to start a war with Iran by assassinating Qassem Soleimani, the top military leader of that country. If Iran openly assassinated a top U.S. general and bragged about it, there is no question that the United States would initiate full scale war. Trump and the Pentagon have acted illegally, in violation of the Constitution, the War Powers Act and international law.

The targeted assassination and murder of a central leader of Iran is designed to initiate a new war. Unless the people of the United States rise up and stop it, this war will engulf the whole region and could quickly turn into a global conflict of unpredictable scope and potentially the gravest consequences.

The Pentagon high command is recklessly bragging about this illegal, targeted assassination in the most crude and false manner. “This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” stated the lying generals. They know that the objective of the strike is just the opposite. They want a war with Iran – a country of more than 80 million people. Trump wants it too because he thinks it will guarantee his re-election in 2020.

For all who believe in peace, for all who are opposed to yet another catastrophic war, now is the time to take action. On Saturday, January 4 in cities across the country there will be protests against a new war in the Middle East and calling for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops and bases in the region.

Demonstrations will take place on Saturday, January 4 in the following cities.

- The White House - Washington D.C.
12noon at the White House

- Chicago, IL
12noon at Trump Tower
Initiated by ANSWER Chicago

- Los Angeles, CA
1pm at Pershing Square
Initiated by ANSWER LAcl

- New York City, NY
11am at Time Square
Initiated by ANSWER New York

- San Francisco, CA
12noon at Powell and Market
Initiated by ANSWER San Francisco

- Miami, FL
1pm atTorch of Friendship, 301 Biscayne Blvd
Initiated by CODEPINK

- Berlin, Germany
1pm at Brandenburger Tor / Pariser Platz

- Albuquerque, NM
2pm at Kirtland Airforce Base, San Mateo and Gibson Blvd
Initiated by ANSWER New Mexico

- Arlington, MA
12noon at Broadway Plaza, Mass. Ave. and Medford St
Initiated by Arlington United for Justice with Peace (AUJP)

- Seattle, WA
2pm at Victor Steinbrueck Park
Initiated by ANSWER Seattle

- Minneapolis, MN
1pm at Mayday Plaza
Initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition

- Atlanta, GA
3pm at Little Five Points
Initiated by ANSWER Atlanta

- New Haven, CT
3pm Sunday, January 5 at Church & Chapel Street
Initiated by ANSWER Connecticut

- Portland, Maine
12noon at Congress Square Park
Initiated by Peace Action Maine

- Pittsburgh, PA
12noon at Schenley Plaza
Initiated by ANSWER Pittsburgh

- Denver, CO
2pm at Colorado State Capital Building
Initiated by ANSWER Colorado

- Boston, MA
2pm at Park street MBTA station

- Sacramento, CA
4pm at Capitol Park

- Philadelphia, PA
12noon at City Hall (15th and Market St.)

- Columbia, SC
12noon at the South Carolina State House

- San Diego, CA
2pm at Federal Court Building

- Lancaster, PA
12noon at Lancaster County Prison

- Austin, TX
11am at Austin City Hall

- Boulder, CO
11am at Broadway and Canyon

- Cleveland, OH
12noon at Market Square

- El Paso, TX
12noon Friday, January 3rd at the U.S. Federal Courthouse

- Fort Wayne, IN
2pm at Allen County Courthouse Green

- Ithaca, NY
10am at Corner of Clinton and Meadow Streets by CVS

- Northampton, MA
11am in front of the Courthouse on Main St

- San Antonio, TX
1pm Sunday, Jan. 5 at overpass on Walters and 35 (on way to Ft. Sam Houston)

- Santa Monica, CA
2pm at Santa Monica Promenade

- Hopewell NJ
12pmin front of the Marine Recruitment Center in Somerville

- Davis, CA
11am at B and 5th Streets

- State College, PA
12noon at Allen St. Gates

- Milwaukee, WI
12noon at intersection of 27th & Oklahoma

- Madison, WI
12noon at the State Capitol

- Boise, ID
5pm at Boise City Hall

- Las Vegas, NV
10am at Las Vegas Federal Courthouse

- San Jose, CA
3pm at 4th & Santa Clara

- Fayetteville, AK
11am at Washington County Courthouse

- Phoenix, AZ
12noon at Esplanade Center

- Birmingham, AL
1pm at Kelly Ingram Park

- Dallas, TX
3pm at Dealey Plaza

- Salt Lake City, UT
2pm at Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building

- St Louis, MO
12noon at Lacy Clay's Office 111 S 10th St

- Spokane, WA
12noon at Division & Wellesley

- New Orleans, LA
12noon at Duncan Plaza

- Raleigh, NC
12noon at The State Capitol

- Memphis, TN
5:30pm Friday, Jan. 3 at Gazebo at the Cooper-Young intersection

- Kennewick, WA
1pm at Corner of N Columbia Center Blvd and W Quinalt

- Cincinnati, OH
12noon at Fountain Square

- Jackson, MS
12noon at Smith Park

- Knoxville, TN
1:00pm Sunday, Jan. 5 at Charles Krutch Park

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