Brüssel: Computers, Privacy & Data Protection CPDP 2011
Beginn: Di 25. Jan 00:00:00 CET 2011
Ende: Fr 28. Jan 23:59:59 CET 2011
Ort: Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Brussels
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Kontakt: http://www.cpdpconferences.org/
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The annual Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection CPDP 2011
- Tuesday 25th of January 2011
- a full-day programme on e-Health
- a parallel side event on Surveillance and Law Enforcement
- an evening event: free public debate (in Dutch) on Surveillance in Belgium and the Netherlands
- Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th of January 2011
- traditional CPDP Conference format: more than 15 panel-sessions, 90 speakers (about 65 from abroad)
- spotlighting different data protection issues and different stakeholders:
- behavioral advertising, review of Directive, data retention, cloud computing, …
- national data protection authorities, law firms, ICT firms, US debates, …
- a philosophical panel on privacy and data protection: Privacy and Due Process after the Computational Turn
- PhD evening(26th of Jan) with 14-16 PhD students from all over Europe defendingpapers on data protection issues in the area of law, computer science,humanities, etc… CPDP has used a considerable part of its sponsor moneyto select the candidates and support them in their travel and lodgingcosts. We believe that the older generation of data protection expertsis passing on the baton to the new generation and we are stronglycommitted to the promotion of this process
- a round table evening event (27th of Jan) on Body Scanners,organized by CPDP together with CEPS and the INEX consortium, on theeve of the European Privacy Day. Including speakers from civil society(f.e. Marc Rotenberg of EPIC), academics, as well as officials of theEuropean Commission and representatives of the private sector (atCentre for European Policy Studies CEPS)
- Friday 28th of January 2011
- European Privacy Day 2011,during which organiser VUB-LSTS will co-organise some public eventsthroughout the day and during the evening (f.e. Pecha Kucha atRecyclart)
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