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Stop Boris Johnson - Get out on the Streets!

Beginn: Di, 03. Sep 18:00 CEST 2019
Ende:   Di, 03. Sep 20:00 CEST 2019
Ort:   London, Parliament Square , NW of Parliament
Geodaten: (N51.5095),(W0.0844)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Stop, Johnson, Grundrechte, Menschenrechte, Soziales, Gleichberechtigung, Gender, Diskriminierung, Ungleichbehandlung, Gewerkschaft, Mitbestimmung, Koalitionsfreiheit, Aufstehen,

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The People’s Assembly Against Austerity have called for demonstrations

THOUSANDS of people across Britain will take to the streets over the coming days to demand an immediate general election as the only way to stop this Tory nightmare following unelected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s coup against democracy.

The People’s Assembly Against Austerity have called for demonstrations to take place across the country as anger continues to grow over Johnson’s “smash and grab” against democracy by shutting down parliament to force through his No Deal Brexit.

Those gathered will demand an immediate general election -the only real people’s vote - and the chance to bring down a Tory Government desperately clinging on to power with a wafer thin majority of one.

Calls for an immediate general election will be led by Labour MPs including Laura Pidcock, who recently accused Johnson of an “abuse of power” ” warning of “a dangerous, anti-democratic precedent” being set by shutting down parliament in a bid to avoid scrutiny.

We believe it is clear the only way out of the crisis is for a general election to give the people the opportunity to bring down the hard right Tory government led by the unelected Boris Johnson.

The only way to end the Tory austerity nightmare is the election of a Anti Austerity government committed to saving our hospitals and schools, investing in housing, renationalising our public services and acting on behalf of the people, not Johnson and the Tories' pals in the banks and big business.

Planned Protest near you:

Tuesday 3rd September
6.00 - 8.00 pm
Parliament Square

Speakers at the London Rally include:

Tariq Ali - Author and Activist
Laura Pidcock MP
Richard Burgon MP
Dan Carden MP
Laura Smith MP
Kevin Courtney - NEU General Secretary
Mark Serwotka - PCS General Secretary
Eddie Dempsey - RMT Executive Committee member
Ash Sarkar - Journalist and political activist
Owen Jones - Journalist and political activist
Dr. Sonia Adesara - Keep Our NHS Public
Aaron Bastani - Co-founder and Senior Editor at Novara Media
Lindsey German - People's Assembly

Other Protests will take place at:


Friday 30th August

7.30 pm

Chester Town Hall


Saturday 31st August

11.00 am - 12.30

Grey's Monument



Saturday 31st August

12.00 pm

outside The Guildhall

Market Square



Saturday 31st August

12.00 pm

Mansion House



Saturday 31st August

12.00 pm

Castle Square



Monday 2nd September

6.00 - 8.00 pm

St George's Hall



Monday 2nd September

6.30 - 8.00 pm

Peterloo Memorial Space

Windmill Street



Tuesday 3rd September

4.30 - 6.00 pm

Southampton Civic Centre


Tuesday 3rd September

5.00 pm

Victoria Square



Tuesday 3rd September

5.00 pm

The Fountains

Bristol City Centre


Tuesday 3rd September

6.00 - 7.30 pm

Aneurin Bevan Statue


Can you help?

The People's Assembly is a grassroots organisation which is supported by many trade unions, campaigns and local networks, as well as many individuals. But we need your help. It costs money to organise events, meetings, demonstrations and campaigns. Unlike those who are enforcing austerity, we do not have wealthy businessmen backers. We rely on donations from our supporters. Over the past few months we have organised or supported campaigns over the NHS, closure of libraries, housing and in support of trade union rights. We held a demonstration in early January calling for a general election.

We need to step up our campaigning and help give a voice to those trying to stop library closures, end Universal Credit, defend the NHS and provide a better future for our children.

Please consider supporting The People's Assembly with a one off ormonthly donation.

Thank you!!

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

The People's Assembly Against Austerity - United Kingdom
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