Freedom not Fear 2018
Beginn: Fr, 21. Sep 17:00 CEST 2018Ende: Mo, 24. Sep 14:00 CEST 2018
Ort: Brüssel, Hbf
Geodaten: (N50.83017),(E4.33306)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Freedom not fear, Transparenz, Informationsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit, Pressefreiheit, InternetsperrenLauschangriff, Überwachung, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Videoüberwachung, Rasterfahndung, Datenbanken, Freizügigkeit, Unschuldsvermutung, Verhaltensänderung,
Everybody is welcome to take part, help organise and support Freedom not Fear 2018!
Freedom not Fear is self-organised and free, and you do not have to register. Now, thanks to MEPs Julia Reda and Cornelia Ernst you can apply for travel allowances.
Join us and help us organise!
We’d be happy to have your helping hand to organise Freedom not Fear 2018 in Brussels! If you are active on civil rights issues (or you want to get active) we warmly invite you to join us to help us grow and work together. Last year there were about 60 attendees from about 15 different countries and over the last years, Freedom not Fear has constantly grown larger.
1. Join our e-mailing list: akv-international [at] listen.akvorrat [dot] org.
2. Spread the word and tell everybody about Freedom not Fear 2018.
3. Hold a session, give a talk, a workshop or any other input.
4. Arrange a meeting with your Member of Parliament (details below).
5. We are looking for an organiser for a mass accomodation where Freedom not Fear participants can stay. (It would be helpful if this person speaks French.) More information: contact [at] freedomnotfear [dot] org
Arrange a meeting with your Member of Parliament
On Monday, 24th September we will meet Members of the European Parliament to discuss current topics of data protection, surveillance, net neutrality and many more. If you want to arrange a meeting with an MEP, you should write an e-mail, wait a few days and if you don’t get any answer, call them directly. Use our prepared letter.
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