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“Stop NATO 2018”

Beginn: Sa, 07. Jul 15:00 CEST 2018
Ende:   Sa, 07. Jul 18:00 CEST 2018
Ort:   Brüssel, Nordstation
Geodaten: (N50.8607),(E4.3597)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Nato, Gipfel, NotoNato, Schule ohne Militär, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln, Demo,

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Resistance to the NATO War Machine on Saturday, July 7, 3pm

NATO leaders will meet for the second consecutive year in Brussels on the 11th and 12th of July. Topics at this new NATO Summit likely will be the commitment of member states to increase Defence expenditure to 2% of GDP and to spend 20% of the military budgets on armement. Trump will push ‘reluctant’ allies to spend more in the military although the money is needed for social and environmental investments. NATO is also an Nuclear Alliance that refuses to endorse the new Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty. In stead it sees Nuclear arms as a cornerstone of its military strategy. Although NATO and its member states are responsible for the destabilisation of a number of countries, they continuously build up their military intervention forces, supply arms to war torn countries and prepare for new wars.

A broad platform of national and international peace, environmental, woman, antiracist and other organisations will express its resistance to the NATO War Machine on

Saturday, July 7, 3pm.

A protest march will leave from Brussels North Station against Trump and his fellow warmongers. It’s important to raise our voices for peace, justice and equality and to be heard worldwide.

July, 8 peace activists from tens of countries will discuss and exchange ideas at a counter summit about how to stop NATO and to build a safer and peaceful world.

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