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Berlin: Urban Security Work Spaces Policing the Crisis - Policing in Crisis

Beginn: Sa 28. Aug 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Mo 30. Aug 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Großer Konferenzsaal
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*Urban Security Work Spaces
Policing the Crisis - Policing in Crisis*
Berlin, August 28-30, 2010
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Großer Konferenzsaal

The 21st century is witnessing what has been called the »pluralization of policing«: Private security companies have conquered urban spaces and are developing some expertise in public policing. Current studies claim that the private security industry will grow further and take over more tasks formerly executed by state police; at the same time technologies complement and even incur human security work. State police has also undergone significant changes, including commercialization, new public management, and »police-private-partnerships« . Alongside these developments, the police apparatus has trans-nationalized and rigorous strategies, in particular against transnational protesters, have reemerged significantly since the early 1990s. Last not least, the »policing family« itself diversified, and we can witness (relatively) new phenomena such as nonprofit organizations deploying long-term unemployed as security forces; >Community WardensAmbassadorscivil society<, and the consequences still need to be discussed (...)

_Oliver Arning, Kirstie Ball, Bernd Belina, Francois Bonnet, Peter Bremme, Kendra Briken, Luis Fernandez, Volker Eick, Jenny Künkel, Massimiliano Mullone, James Sheptycki, Nik Theodore, Eric Töpfer, Alison Wakefield, Charles Woolfson.

_For further details, go here_:
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_For registration, go here_:
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Admission fee: € 20/ € 10 (students, retirees, unemployed)
Note: There is a maximum of 70 participants.

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