Freedombox installfest on SHA2017Beginn: Fr, 04. Aug 10:00 CEST 2017Ende: Di, 08. Aug 18:00 CEST 2017 Ort: Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde, Nulderpad 5, 3896LV, Zeewolde, Niederlande Geodaten: (N52.2848),(E5.5190) Kartenausschnitt anzeigen: Kontakt: https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/Session:Freedombox_installfest Tags: Hacking, Trojaner, Cookies, Verschlüsselung, Informationsfreiheit, Anonymisierung, Meinungsmonopol, Meinungsfreiheit, Netzneutralität, Open Source, Grundrechte, Menschenrechte, Diesen Termin als .ics Kalendereintrag herunterladen: SHA 2017 - Still Hacking AnywayWhen: 4th of August to 8 August 2017 18:00 Where: Scoutinglandgoed in Zeewolde, 55km east of Amsterdam SHA2017 is an international non-profit outdoor hacker camp/conference taking place in The Netherlands in 2017 on August 4th to 8th. It is the successor of a string of similar events happening every four years: GHP, HEU, HIP, HAL, WTH, HAR and OHM. Similar events are EMF 2016 in the UK, CCC Camp in Germany. The camp is organized for and by volunteers from and around all facets of the international hacker community. Knowledge sharing, technological advancement, experimentation, connecting with your hacker peers and of course hacking are some of the core values of this event. FreedomBox, a 100% free software self-hosting web server to deploy social applications on small machines. It provides online communication tools respecting your privacy and data ownership. If you bring your own single board computer (think Raspberry Pi) you can join the installfest and go home with your own FreedomBox. Otherwise install it on a virtual machine, or just join in to help others and share the experience. Read more https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/Session:Freedombox_installfest Zurück zur Terminliste
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CC Lizenz Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Bundesfreiwilligendienst Wir speichern nicht World Beyond War Tor nutzen HTTPS nutzen Kein Java Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft |