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Amsterdam+Rotterdam/Niederlande: Call to Europe 2010

Beginn: So 21. Mär 00:00:00 CET 2010
Ende:   Sa 27. Mär 23:59:59 CET 2010
Ort:   Domina Hotel Rotterdam
Geodaten: (0),(0)
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European Youth Leader Conference on Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Youth Participation

Why A Call To Europe Conference?

In the 21th century also the European Union is facing the fact that communities are getting more intertwined and intercultural. Political leaders, NGO representatives and young people face the challenge of building and maintaining shared societies in their communities and countries.

A shared society is a socially cohesive society. It is stable and safe. It is where all those living there feel at home. It respects everyone’s dignity and human rights while providing every individual with equal opportunity. It is tolerant. It respects diversity.

A shared society is constructed and nurtured through good leadership and active citizenship. Unfortunately European citizens are still facing different forms discrimination, racism, social exclusion and violation of their human rights. Especially new comers in the European Union are feared by those who are different and they experience prejudice. The fight for equal opportunities for people with a handicap, increasing the social inclusion of minority group and the abolition of child labour and exploitation are still relevant issues in the 21th century in Europe.

During the conference youth leaders will actively discuss policies and practices that create opportunities and bring people together around common values, projects and goals. The conference will give a wake up call to European leaders and policy makers to undertake concrete actions in the fight against discrimination, racism, social exclusion, violation of human rights and for the promotion of diversity, mutual understanding and European citizenship.

Societies are most likely to be peaceful, democratic and prosperous when leaders and citizens recognize and celebrate the value of diversity and respect for human rights and actively build a shared society safe for difference.

Conference Objectives & Thematic Prorities

This conference aims at:

• Fostering mutual understanding to stimulate intercultural dialogue between youth leaders from different countries and with different cultural backgrounds.

• Empowering and increasing the capacity of youth leaders that is necessary in developing tools, options, and concrete action plans to achieve equal human rights for all citizens in Europe and around the world.

• Exchanging best practices and knowledge between youth leaders and policy makers to increase the active participation of minority groups in the policy making process.

• Promoting young peoples’ active participation in national activities with European citizenship as the major point of emphasis.

• Creating a forum for discussion, interaction and development of new ideas and action plans between youth leaders, policy makers, and experts from NGO’s and human rights activists.

A CALL TO EUROPE conference’s thematic priorities;

• Youth Participation and European Citizenship

• Promotion and stimulation of intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and cultural diversity

• Creation of awareness and renewed action plans in the struggle for equal human rights for all

• Reinforcement of minority groups in the European community and policy making

• Narrowing the gap between youth and politics / policy makers

Application conditions

In order to apply for the Call to Europe conference the following criteria should be met:

As a participant you should be:

* 18 to 27 years old
* English-speaking.
* EU-citizen.
* Must reside in one of the participating countries.
* Should be is actively involved in promoting human rights.
* Should be interested in establishing networks.
* Should be willing to share good-practice experience with other participants.
* Should be prepared to contribute to the implementation of an action plan.
* Should be interested in issues concerning cultural diversity.

If the before mentioned criteria apply to you, fill in the application form


The Call to Europe Youth Conference is a special event dedicated to young people from
all over the world. During the seven days of Conference, 150 participants from over 15 countries
will have the chance to join the discussions about Human Rights, youth participation, diversity,
inclusion of minorities and many other current topics.

Keynote speakers, experts in human rights, academics and also celebrities will also join the
event and share their expertise with the young audience.

The program will include field visits, discussions, workshops and presentations that will facilitate the
participants to learn more about the European context.

Through social events organized during the event, participants will be encouraged to exchange their
own experiences and to get to now people from different cultures.

Great news everybody!
The Call To Europe Programme has been published.

Download the programme here in WORD or PDF format.

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