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Peoples Assembly - Demonstrate 1 July

Beginn: Sa, 01. Jul 12:00 CEST 2017
Ende:   Sa, 01. Jul 16:00 CEST 2017
Ort:   London, GB, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland PLace, London W1A 1AA
Geodaten: (N51.5188),(W0.1428)
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Tags: Grundrechte, Menschenrechte, soziales, Gleichberechtigung, Gender, Diskriminierung, Ungleichbehandlung, Hartz IV, Gewerkschaft, Mitbestimmung, Koalitionsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit, Pressefreiheit,

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The General Election result was devastating for Theresa May and the Conservatives. She called it to gain a bigger majority in Parliament but failed spectacularly to deliver on that. Now the Conservative Party are in chaos, forced to try to prop up a Government with the deeply conservative and regressive DUP. Even if they can get a Queens Speech through Parliament this arrangement is unsustainable, it won't last for long.

Not One Day More #ToriesOut

Assemble 12pm, Saturday 1 July 2017
BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
March to Parliament


The Election result represents a rejection of Tory policies. They no they have no mandate; already the Government has suggested they may have to ease their austerity plans because of huge opposition. We need to make sure the full force of that opposition is felt. If we continue to mobilise in huge numbers we can deepen the crisis for the Conservatives and force big concessions on the NHS, education, housing and jobs. There is already talk of another General Election in the next few months which would likely see the Tories loose further support and be unable to form a Government.

Protests have sprung up across the country and there are many more planned in the next few days, we're supporting all actions and events against Theresa May's attempt at forming a Government. On Saturday 1 July we want to invite everyone - from campaigns and community groups all over the country, from the trade unions, from political parties, and any individual - to come together in one massive show of strength. We're marching against another 5 years of a Troy Government committed to austerity, cuts and privatisation. And we're marching for a decent health service, education system, housing, jobs and living standards for all. Join us, bring your friends and spread the word.

For publicity materials please contact

Transport is being arranged from across the country - full details available soon. If are organising transport please let us know and we will publicise. Keep checking our website for updates.


The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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