ECCHR Veranstaltung zum Drohnenkrieg
Beginn: Do, 11. Mai 18:30 CEST 2017
Ende: Do, 11. Mai 21:00 CEST 2017
Ort: Berlin-Kreuzberg, ECCHR, Zossener Str. 55-58, Aufgang D, 10961 Berlin
Geodaten: (N52.4945),(E13.3955) Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Kontakt: https://www.ecchr.eu/de/newsletter-onlineansicht/whistleblowers-journalists-and-lawyers.html
Tags: Militär, USA, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln,
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Launch of ECCHR publication and CorpWatch investigative report Whistleblowers, Journalists and Lawyers: How to Unmask the Global Network of Remote Killing 11 May 2017, 18:30 - 21:00, ECCHR Office (Berlin) Zossener Str. 55-58, Aufgang D, D - 10961 Berlin Building on an October 2016 conference ECCHR will launch its new publication “Litigating Drone Strikes: Challenging the Global Network of Remote Killing” featuring contributions from international policy and legal experts. Following the launch and introduced by Expose Facts` lawyer Kathleen McClellan, Pratap Chatterjee, executive director of CorpWatch and award winning investigative journalist, will present his new report “DRONE, Inc. Marketing the Illusion of Precision Warfare” exposing the contractors, technology and failings behind the US drone war. New documents (obtained under the Freedom of Information Act) as well as numerous military engineering studies show the deep structural problems in the targeted killing program as an integral part of a broader system of mass surveillance. Chatterjee will also present a short video animation of the drone war illustrating how enlisted military personnel are trapped in a military-industrial system that routinely violates basic human rights, followed by US whistleblowers` comments. 18:30 “Litigating Drone Strikes: Challenging the Global Network of Remote Killing” Srdjan Cvijic, Open Society European Policy Institute Andreas Schüller, ECCHR 19:00 “DRONE, Inc. Marketing the Illusion of Precision Warfare” Introduction: Kathleen McClellan, lawyer at the Whistleblower and Source Protection Program (WHISPeR) at Expose Facts Pratap Chatterjee, executive director at CorpWatch John Kiriakou, CIA Whistleblower and Senior Research Fellow, Conflict Analysis Research Center, University of Kent, UK Lisa Ling, Drone Whistleblower Cian Westmoreland, Drone Whistleblower Moderation: Andreas Schüller, ECCHR The event will be held in English only. A live stream will be available (tbc). ECCHR and Expose Facts look forward to welcoming you to this event. We ask that you register at event@ecchr.eu (please note that no confirmation will be sent).
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