Oxford/UK: 4th privacyOS Conference
Beginn: Mo 12. Apr 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende: Di 13. Apr 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort: Worcester College, Oxford
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Kontakt: https://www.privacyos.eu/archives/98-Invitation-4th-PrivacyOS-Conference-Oxford.html
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Invitation to the 4th PrivacyOS Conference The next and 4th PrivacyOS Conference will be held on April 12th and 13th in Oxford. Please follow the link to the registration here.
Please note that we are using the external service amiando.com for hosting the registration.
Ticket prices are 110 € including lunch and snacks on both days, access to all PrivacyOS slots and the official dinner on the evening of the 12th of April. Tickets including accommodation for one night bed and breakfast (single room 12/13 of April) on campus are available for 210 €. Tickets including accommodation for two nights bed and breakfast (single room 11-13 of April) on campus are available for 310 €. Please feel free and contact us at privacyos@datenschutzzentrum.de . Please find attached the invitation flyer:
![](https://www.privacyos.eu/uploads/Conferences/FlyerS.1.vorschau.jpg) ![](https://www.privacyos.eu/uploads/Conferences/FlyerS.2.vorschau.jpg) The Independent Centre for Privacy Protection (German: Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz – ULD, which is also the office of the privacy commissioner of the State of Schleswig Holstein) is coordinating a thematic network for privacy protection infrastructure within the current European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme. The European Privacy Open Space (PrivacyOS) aims at bringing together industry, SMEs, Government, Academia and Civil Society to foster development and deployment of privacy infrastructures for Europe, serving as a marketplace for those offering solutions to those facing new challenges. The general objectives of PrivacyOS are to create a long-term collaboration in the thematic network and establish collective interfaces with other EU projects. In a series of PrivacyOS Conferences participants exchange research and best practices, as well as develop strategies and joint projects following four core policy goals: - Awareness-raising, - enabling privacy on the Web, - fostering privacy-friendly Identity Management, - stipulating research Coordination of ongoing activities and sharing of information and experience are a key component of the network. Conferences will be held on Location based Services, Electronic ID-Cards, Participation, Privacy Seals, and cryptographic mechanisms to name a few. New areas of work can be raised during the lifetime of the project. Outreach and consensus building will be ensured through co-locations with relevant other conferences. Over a two-year lifetime of the project four Open Space conferences will be held, possibly co-located with other events to extend the network further. Open Space Approach Over a two-year lifetime of the project four Open Space conferences are to be held. Where adequate these conferences are co-located with other events to extend the network further. Within the conferences, all participants are invited to bring topics on the agenda. It leaves room for spontaneous creation of new workshops during the meeting which reflects the dynamics of the discussion among participants. Only a set of timeslots for the conference is predefined. The topics for each of the slots are introduced and moderated by participants. This approach ensures that all topics relevant for the participants are included and fields of common interest can be detected and worked on, while at the same time taking into account different perspectives accross Europe and beyond. By choosing this innovative conference format, dynamic development and interaction between the participants is encouraged. Backround The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) runs from the years 2007-2013 and is organised around three multi-year specific programmes. One of the Programmes is the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP). ICT PSP aims at stimulating innovation and competitiveness through the wider uptake and the best use of ICT by citizens, governments and businesses and particular SMEs. The approach is based on leveraging innovation in response to growing societal demands. The implementation of the different objectives is taking place by creating Thematic Networks. Thematic networks address a common theme by bringing together relevant stakeholders, expertise and facilities with the objective of exploring new ways of implementing ICT-based solutions. The network instigates working groups, workshops and exchanges of good practices with the aim of creating the necessary conditions and consensus on action plans, standards and specifications in view to ensure the widest future replication and co-deployment of innovative solutions. One of the actions the ICT PSP addresses is privacy protection infrastructures. The objective of this thematic network is to facilitate the emergence of an open Europe-wide trusted eServices market with dynamic compositions of services that reconciles different national privacy policies and offers service-oriented technical means to allow the user to define privacy profiles, and to monitor and control their enforcement and propagation. The EU intends to support one thematic network for the deployment and adoption of user-empowering privacy protection services across Europe. Coordination of ongoing activities and sharing of information and experience are a key component of the network. Results and outcomes will be reported in the public domain and widely disseminated through publications and conferences.
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