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Kreta/Griechenland: Privacy and Security in the Future Internet 3rd Network and Information Security (NIS'10) Summer School

Beginn: Mo 13. Sep 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Fr 17. Sep 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Aldemar Knossos Royal Village hotel, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
Geodaten: (0),(0)
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-- Lobbyveranstaltung/Sicherheitsindustrie--

The "Future Internet" promises an exciting new world of services and capabilities: Devices that will automatically exchange information to facilitate users, services that transparently and seemlesly combine information from different and multiple sources, protocols and systems that are able to handle complex interactions. At the same time, however, concerns about privacy and security increase for individuals, organizations, and the society in general. This gives rise to a number of question such as where should responsibility be placed and how should solutions be enforced and verified in a world of complex infrastructures and services?

Following the success of NIS'08 and NIS'09, the 3rd edition of the Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS'10) will cover topics that address legal, technical, and policy issues in this emerging world. ENISA and FORTH have taken the initiative to create this Summer School following the recognition of the importance of NIS and the need for raising awareness. The Summer School aims to provide a forum for experts in Information Security, policy makers from EU Member States and EU Institutions, decision makers from the industry, as well as members of the research and academic community, for interacting on cuttingedge and interesting topics in NIS.

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