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Krems/Österreich: EDem10 4th International Conference on eDemocracy 2010

Beginn: Do 6. Mai 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Fr 7. Mai 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Danube-University Krems
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4th International Conference on eDemocracy 2010 - May 2010

Danube-University Krems
06.05.2010 - 07.05.2010

“A revolution doesn’t happen when a society adopts new tools. It happens when society adopts new behaviours.“ (Clay Shirky)

Programme Committee
Sponsors & Partners
Supporters & Media Partners
Travel & Accommodation

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Stevan Harnad

American Scientist Open Access Forum; Universite du Quebec a Montreal, CAN; University of Southampton, UK

Ismael Peña-López

Open University of Catalonia, School of Law and Political Science, Barcelona, Spain


Jochen Scholl

The Information School, University of Washington, USA


Micah L. Sifry
Personal Democracy Forum, TechPresident, New York, USA

Website Personal Democracy Forum, Website TechPresident

Andy Williamson
Hansard Society, London, UK


Confirmed Workshops

Daniel van Lerberghe/Politech, et al.

Dan Jellinek/Headstar, Hans Hagedorn/Zebralog

Social Networking and eParticipation - Follow-up from last year
Ella Taylor Smith/Napier University, Ralf Lindner/Fraunhofer ISI
Website Napier, Website Fraunhofer ISI

World Vote Now

A Film by Joel Mardson


Call for Papers
Scientific eDemocracy visions and models have been developed since the 1960s, but it is now, during the first decade of the 21st Century, that they are becoming reality, being tested and implemented. Extensive IT provides the necessary basis, but it is not the developments in IT alone that are responsible for successful eDemocracy projects, it is due all those who use and apply them, as they adopt new behaviours and change old ones. The new, digital generation lives and breathes new values: they collaborate, compile content together, share their ideas, create networks on social platforms and organise themselves quickly and simply. The new values held, the new behaviours adopted, the changed mindset, along with improved usability and a still-increasing use of the internet, has led to a rapid and radical change in our society.
The EDem10 focuses on these changes which can be seen occurring in different areas and which are manifest in different way:
  • Transparency & Communication (freedom of information, free information access, openness, information sharing, blogging, micro-blogging, social networks, data visualization, eLearning, empowering, ...);
  • Participation & Collaboration (innovation malls, innovation communities, bottom up, top down, social networks, engagement and accountability, collaborative culture, collaboration between C2C, G2C, ...);
  • Architecture, Concepts & Effects (access and openness, user generated content, peer production, network effects, power laws, long tail, harnessing the power of the crowd, crowd sourcing, social web, semantic web, ...);
  • Different Fields: open government initiatives, eDemocracy, eParticipation, eVoting, eDeliberation;
  • Approaches and Disciplines: law & legal studies, social sciences, computer sciences, political sciences, psychology, sociology, applied computer gaming and simulation, democratic theory, media and communication sciences;
  • Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Approaches;
  • Research Methods.
On primary aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners. We would like to invite individuals from academic, applied and practitioner backgrounds as well as public administration offices, public bodies, NGO/NPOs, education institutions and independent organisations to submit their research and project papers.
The main conference language is English; submissions in German (with an abstract in English) are also acceptable.


Please register and upload your paper at the submission-website of the conference (LINK - EasyChair Login Page for EDem10). Once you are registered at, you can submit your paper.
All submissions will be submitted to a double-blind full paper review by at least 2 reviewers.
1. To maintain a double-blind review, please submit your paper without the author names and details. These should be added only once your paper has been accepted and you submit the final version.
2. All papers must be submitted in PDF-format.
3. Format guidelines are available at the bottom. Submissions should be 10 pages max.

Submission of papers: Extended Deadline - 1st of March 2010
Notification of acceptance: 21st of March 2010
Camera-ready paper submission: 2nd of April 2010
Conference Date: 6-7 May 2010
The Proceedings will be published by the Austrian Computer Society.
The EDem conference series is jointly organised by the Danube University Krems and the University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna.
Further Information and Questions

Noella Edelmann, BA, MSc, MAS

Phone: +43 (0)2732 893-2303
Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-4340
Danube University Krems
Department for Governance and Public Administration
Center for E-Government
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
A-3500 Krems

Mag. Michael Sachs

Phone: +43 (0)2732 893-2302
Fax: +43 (0)2732 893-4300
Donau-Universität Krems
Zentrum E-Government
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
A-3500 Krems

Format Guidelines
Copyright Transfer Form

rtf, 20 KB
pdf, 10 KB

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