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NUT Strikes & March for Education. No to Racism & Austerity

Beginn: Sa, 16. Jul 11:00 CEST 2016
Ende:   Sa, 16. Jul 15:00 CEST 2016
Ort:   London, GB, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland PLace, London W1A 1AA
Geodaten: (N51.5188),(W0.1428)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Hartz IV, Gewerkschaft, Mitbestimmung, Koalitionsfreiheit, ACTA, TTIP, CETA, Meinungsfreiheit, Informationsfreiheit, Armut, Finanzen,

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The struggle continues

NUT members are taking srike action on Tuesday 5th July in protest at government funding cuts and the government's intention to deregulate pay and conditions, both of which will have a negative impact on children, teachers and schools. Wherever you are get down to a local picket line and show your support, take photos and post on social media.

Tweet using, #investdontcut

There are many events going on throughout the country where you can show your support too, for more info follow this LINK

In London there will be a rally from 11am, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland PLace, London W1A 1AA.

Please join us on this march which will end with a rally in Parliament Square. Please share the Facebook Event
widely and invite all your friends.

If you're able to help steward on the London event (getting to Portland place 10am latest)

Also coming up is a vital demonstration called in collaboration with Stand Up to Racism on Sat 16 July,"No to Austerity, No to Racism, Tories Out." It is absolutely essential we stand together to oppose the growing tide of racism and continue our struggle to oppose the vicious austerity of this Tory government.

Demonstrate: Saturday 16 July 2016
Assemble 12pm, BBC HQ, Portland Place, London W1

The Tories have been plunged into crisis by the result of the EU referendum. David Cameron will soon be gone. The Tories will use Brexit to whip up anti-immigrant racism and accelerate their austerity policies and attacks on living standards. George Osborne has already threatened an emergency budget which will hit ordinary people hard. Let's stand together and say no more.

Share the Facebook Event
and invite all your friends.

See you on the streets.

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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