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Toronto/Kanada: No One Is Illegal! May Day of Action

Beginn: Sa 1. Mai 12:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Sa 1. Mai 15:00:00 CEST 2010
Ort:   Toronto
Geodaten: (0),(0)
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5th Annual May Day March in Toronto

Join No One Is Illegal – Toronto and take to the streets to demand Status for All on May Day – May 1, 2010!

We believe that the struggle for Status for All is the struggle for good jobs, housing, food, education, shelter, freedom, justice and dignity for all people

Check out pictures and videos from the last four years:

To join the No One Is Illegal - Toronto mailing list, email

Stay tuned for updates on the march and a fabulous May Day party after it.

(Check out the links to see what we have been doing this year)

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logos Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Creative Commons Bundesfreiwilligendienst Wir speichern nicht World Beyond War Tor - The onion router HTTPS - verschlüsselte Verbindungen nutzen Wir verwenden kein JavaScript Für Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft