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Money for the hungry not for tanks

Beginn: Sa, 09. Jul 12:00 CEST 2016
Ende:   Sa, 09. Jul 16:00 CEST 2016
Ort:   Warschau, Zentrum, Warzawa Centralna
Geodaten: (N52.2289),(E21.005)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Nato, Atomwaffen, Militär, Bundeswehr, Aufrüstung, Waffenexporte, Drohnen, Frieden, Krieg, Friedenserziehung, Menschenrechte, Zivilklauseln

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No to War and NATO Bases

Yes to Refugees and international solidarity
Saturday July 9th at 12:00 City center of Warszawa

We invite you to participate and urge you to mobilise for this important event. If you wish more information or have any suggestions or questions please write to us.

Our goal is a world without war and nuclear weapons. We are fighting to overcome NATO through the politics of common security and disarmament and solidarity with global peace, anti-war & anti-militaristic movements.

The next NATO summit is planned to take place in Warsaw on 8-9 July. This summit will be held during a period of wars, heightened global instability and conflict. The wars raged by the West in the Middle East and Afghanistan have left hundreds of thousands dead; destroyed these countries’ infrastructure and ruined the conditions for political stability and social peace and justice. The terrorism that has spread around the world is a terrible legacy of these conflicts. Millions of refugees have been forced to flee their homes in search of a safe place for them and their families to live. And when they reach the shores of Europe and the USA, they often meet hostility and racism from those very countries that started the wars from which they are escaping.

The promise of peaceful Europe in a peaceful world that was developed after the end of the Cold War has failed. One of the reasons is the enlargement of the NATO to the east. We are presently in the middle of a new East-West arms race, seen clearly in the area of Central and Eastern Europe. The war in the east of Ukraine, in which thousands have lost their lives, is a terrible example of this rivalry. The proposals of NATO to expand further to the East further threaten to escalate this conflict. The proposals of the present Polish government to station permanent NATO bases in Poland and build a new Missile Defence Shield in the country would not guarantee the country’s safety but rather place it on the frontline of these new hostilities. NATO is urging all member states to rise its military spending to at least 2% of GDP. Not only will this intensify the arms race in the world, but it will mean that during a time of economic austerity more funds will move from welfare to war. When the governments and Generals meet in Warsaw in July an alternative voice must be heard. A coalition of the peace and anti-war movements in Poland and internationally will hold a number of events during the NATO summit in Warsaw.

Alternative Summit and Demonstration

Friday July 8th

12:00 opening of the alternative summit

Piotr Ikonowicz Poland│Kristine Karch, No to War – No to NATO

12:15 – 14:00 Plenary: Why we are against Militarism

Magda Qandil, Poland (tbc)│Ludo de Brabander, vrede, Belgium│Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, GB│Joseph Gerson, American Friends Service Committee, USA│Yves-Jean Gallas, Mouvement de la Paix, France│Claudia Haydt, Information Centre Militarization, Germany│ Jan Majicek, Czech Republic│Vitaly Mahinko, Ukraine


15:00 – 17:00 Working groups (additional workshops are possible, changes to the workshops are possible)

* Military spending (responsible: Ludo de Brabander)
* Nuclear weapons and weapons in space (responsible: Kate Hudson)
* How to overcome the war against terror? (responsible: Piotr Ikonowicz)
* Militarization and women rights (responsible: Kristine Karch)
* Refugees and War (responsible: Gavin Rae)
* European Union and NATO (responsible: Tobias Pflüger, Claudia Haydt)
* Imperial rivalry in Eastern Europe (responsible: Filip Ilkowski)

19:00 Public event: Peace politics in Europe

For a Europe of peace and social justice, for a common security

Barbara Lee, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, USA (video message)│Ann Wright, former Colonel of the US army, USA │ Maite Mola, Vice President of the European Left, Spain │ Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau/ IALANA, Germany│ Filip Ilkowski, Stop the War Initiative Poland│ Ilya Budraiskis, Russia│ Tarja Cronberg, former MEP, Green Party, Finland│ Wolfgang Gehrcke, Die LINKE, Germany

Saturday July 9th at 12:00 City center of Warszawa International Demonstration Warszawa 09-06-2016

Money for the hungry not for tanks

No to War and NATO Bases
Moscow Has Already Been – We Do Not Want Washington

Yes to Refugees and international solidarity

With Polish and International Speakers of the Alternative Summit

Sunday July 10th

11:00 – 13:30 Roundtable with open microphone:

Future of Peace and Anti-War Movement in Poland and the world
Introduction: NN Poland │Lucas Wirl, No to War – No to NATO

13:30 END

Further information: │

The location of the conference of 8/10 July will be announced soon.

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