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London/United Kingdom: A Global Surveillance Society?

Beginn: Di 13. Apr 00:00:00 CEST 2010
Ende:   Do 15. Apr 23:59:59 CEST 2010
Ort:   Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre, The Tait Building Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0HB
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‘A Global Surveillance Society?’ is the fourth Biannual Surveillance and Society/SSN conference organised in 2010 in conjunction with the Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) COST Action.

Surveillance is a ubiquitous feature of living in the global north, with citizens routinely monitored by a range of sophisticated technologies. Increasing levels of surveillance are typically justified by the threat of terrorism, crime and disorder, and to improve public and private services. However, surveillance is also a feature of developing societies, and manifests in different ways, with different rationales, purposes and within different systems of governance. In this conference we would like to expand and relativise understandings of surveillance as a trans-national, trans-border and trans-cultural phenomenon.

Traditionally, Surveillance and Society/SSN conferences have been held at the University of Sheffield. This year, we have been lucky to have the conference co-funded by the Living in Surveillance Societies COST Action, a decisive factor prompted us to hold the conference at the heart of the British Surveillance Society: London. City University kindly offered to host the conference, in part because of their central location, but also because they are offering the world’s only MA in Surveillance Studies and are thus keen to have assembled in their crucible a multitude of scholars discursively debating theoretical, methodological,legal and political issues relating to surveillance.

Selected papers from the conference will be published in two special conference issues of Surveillance and Society.

Key themes for the 2010 conference are:

Living in the surveillance age
Surveillance, difference and discrimination
Attitudes and experiences of the watcher and watched
The development and diffusion of surveillance technologies
Surveillance technology in practice
The political economy of surveillance
The business of surveillance
The surveillance of consumers and workers
Public policy, regulation and surveillance
The philosophy of surveillance and philosophical perspectives on surveillance
Surveillance, intelligence and war
Surveillance, sovereignty and the nation state
Surveillance and the production of space

This is a non-residential conference and participants will need to make their own arrangements for accommodation (we will provide advice for this in due course - see accommodation link).

The Conference will be held in and around the Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre and Foyer, City University London, UK. London is a powerful, global city at the sharp end of surveillance processes, protocols and debates and thus provides delegates with an apt cultural context for the exploration of the above themes.

The Conference Fee is £200 per person, which includes attendance, refreshments, lunch and an optional £25 two year membership of the Surveillance Studies Network. The membership fee will be used to promote the charitable activities of the Surveillance Studies Network, support the continued publication of the Journal of Surveillance and Society and give other benefits to members.

Please click here to register

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