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Online: The Security Jam Session (organisiert von NATO und der Rüstungslobby)

Beginn: Do 4. Feb 00:00:00 CET 2010
Ende:   Di 9. Feb 23:59:59 CET 2010
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Info: Eine kooperationsveranstaltung der KAS, EU-Kommission und NATO und fast aller europäischen Rüstungskonzerne

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The Security Jam Session

Fünftägige virtuelle Konferenz zu Bedrohungen des internationalen Friedens organisiert von Securtiy & Defence Agenda

Online-Debatte für Experten und Laien mit dem Ziel, den sicherheitspolitischen Diskurs über militärische Fragen hinaus zu erweitern.

Do 4. - Di 9. Feb. 2010

Für weiterführende Informationen siehe

Welcome to the Security Jam Website!

As the end of the first decade of the 21st Century approaches, it is increasingly clear that global security challenges and those confronting the International community are no longer those of the latter years of the 20th century.

The Security Jam Session being organised in February 2010 by the Brussels-based think tank Security & Defence Agenda (SDA) in collaboration with IBM. It is designed to analyse and clarify the changing threats to international peace. Thousands of representatives and experts from around the world are due to take part in this ambitious online debate, with the aim of providing input into the strategy reviews and re-thinks being undertaken today.

The Jam Session is to be open to defence and security specialists and non-specialists alike with the aim of widening the security debate beyond purely military matters. The growing importance of NGOs in security thinking and practice is due to be reflected in the Jam Session's week-long discussions.

The result of the Jam will be an official report with ten key recommendations which will be officially presented, amongst others, to the EU and NATO leaderships in April 2010.

This is your chance to turn ideas into action.

Confirmed VIPs taking part in the Security Jam

Ambassador Kai Eide
United Nations Special Representative to Afghanistan (UNAMA)

Carl Bildt
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Former NATO Secretary General

Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter
Director of Policy Planning, United States Department of State

Ambassador Marc Perrin de Brichambaut
OSCE Secretary General

Josette Sheeran
Executive Director,
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)

Jacqueline McGlade
Director of the European Environment Agency

Professor Paul Collier
Professor of Economics at University of Oxford, author of 'The Bottom Billion'

Ambassador Dmitry Rogozin
Head of Mission, Mission of the Russian Federation to NATO

Ana Palacio

Former Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs

Robert Hunter
Rand Corporation Washington Office, Former US Ambassador to NATO

Admiral Mark Fitzgerald
Commander JFC Naples and U.S. Naval Forces, Europe

General Håkan Syrén
Chairman, European Union Military Committee

Miroslav Lajčák
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Admiral Giampaolo di Paola
Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Kenneth Roth
Executive Director of Human Rights Watch

Fernando Perpiñá-Robert Peyra
Secretary General of Club of Madrid,
Member of the Group of Experts on NATO's new Strategic Concept

Mark Pyman
Director, International Defence and Security Programme, Transparency International

Steven Erlanger
Paris Bureau Chief, The New York Times

Andreas Bummel,
Executive Chairman, Committee for a Democratic United Nations

With the support of

NATO's new Strategic Concept

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