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Brüssel: The future of intellectual property

Beginn: Do 23. Apr 00:00:00 CEST 2009
Ende:   Fr 24. Apr 23:59:59 CEST 2009
Ort:   Ausschuss der Regionen Van Maerlant Gebäude, Ecke Rue Belliardstraat / Rue Van Maerlantstraat, 1040 Brüssel
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The future of intellectual property - Creativity and innovation in the
digital era

European conference

conference organised by the Goethe Institut in

April 23rd–24th, 2009

Committee of the Regions

FREE REGISTRATION before 16 April 2009.

The era of digital networks has given rise to new problems in the area of
intellectual property. They include the question of how best to deal with
the massive numbers of downloads of film, music and software via
peer-to-peer file sharing. They also open up copyright issues arising out of
the digitalisation of entire public libraries.

The issues affect many different interest groups, ranging from large film
and music industry corporations to individual authors and artists trying to
make a living from their work, as well as teenagers who risk being
prosecuted after posting copyright-protected material on YouTube.

At the same time, digitalisation offers totally new opportunities for the
worldwide exchange of knowledge. It facilitates a new kind of creativity
with music and films that in the past have only been passively consumed.
And it opens up opportunities for innovative business models like flat rate
all-you-can-eat subscriptions or advertising-financed music services.

The conference the future of intellectual property will address a range of
issues that are raised by this exciting policy area. Above all: How can the
concept of intellectual property be adapted to the realities of the digital
era, and at the same time not become outdated and inefficient?

The conference contributes to the European Year of Creativity and
Innovation 2009
. It is realised with
support from the European Commission’s *Europe for Citizens* programme.


*Thursday, April 23rd, 2009*
13:30–14:30 *Registration* 14:30–14:45 *Welcome notes *
Margareta HAUSCHILD (D), Goethe-Institut Brüssel
Steen ILLEBORG (DK), Committee of the Regions
14:45–15:30 *Key note *
"Intellectual property and the challenges of
Michael W. CARROLL (USA), American University
Washington D. C.
15:30–16:30 *Film** Good Copy, Bad Copy*, DK 2007
*Good Copy, Bad Copy*
16:30–17:00 *Coffee break* 17:00–18:30 Panel I:*
Intellectual property and European Union

*What policies are appropriate for the European
Union in the field of intellectual property in order to
serve the best interest of all European citizens?
How can the concept of intellectual property be
adapted to the realities of the digital era? How
influential are lobbying groups in intellectual
property lawmaking?

- Philippe AIGRAIN (F), Society for Public
Information Spaces
- Ruth HIERONYMI (D), European Parliament
- Tilman LÜDER (D), European Commission
- Monica HORTEN (UK), University of Westminster

Carole TONGUE (UK), Sovereign Strategy 18:30 *Reception*

*Friday, April 24th, 2009*
(Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors Building, Rue Belliardstraat
99-101, 5th floor, room JDE52)

09:00 - 10:30 Panel II:*
The book sector and digital libraries *

How can digital libraries reconcile the aim of the
widest possible dissemination of knowledge with
the protection of authors’ rights? When should
authors’ rights expire? How dangerous is the
e-book? Will the publishing sector soon share
the fate of the music industry?

- Anne BERGMAN-TAHON (B), Federation of
European Publishers
- Myriam DIOCARETZ (NL), European
Writers’ Council
- N.N.

Gabriele BEGER (D), University Library Hamburg 10:30–11:00 *Coffee
break* 11:00–12:30
Panel III: *
The future of the film and music sectors *

Do the film and music industries have a future?
Assuming they do, what does it look like? How
to deal with the phenomenon of peer-to-peer
file sharing? How will a musician earn money
20 years from now and what role will copyright

- Cécile DESPRINGRE (F), Federation of European
Film Directors
- Innocenzo GENNA (I), EuroISPA
- Danny O’BRIEN (USA), Electronic Frontier

Nicholas LANSMAN (UK), Political Intelligence 12:30–14:00 *Lunch break*
14:00–15:30 Panel IV: *
Society, creativity and intellectual property
in the digital era *

What impact does the digital revolution have on
our society and culture? Does strict copyright
legislation strengthen or limit creative output?
Do alternative copyright concepts like Creative
Commons have the potential to evolve into a
new standard?

- Juan Carlos DE MARTIN (I), NEXA Center for
Internet and Society
- Geert LOVINK (NL), Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- Andy C. PRATT (UK), London School of
- Joost SMIERS (NL), Autor ("Imagine!
No Copyright.")

Volker GRASSMUCK (D), 15:30 *End of conference*

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