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World Beyond War

Beginn: Mi, 29. Jul 18:00 CEST 2015
Ende:   Mi, 29. Jul 22:00 CEST 2015
Ort:   Berlin-Mitte, IALANA Geschäftsstelle, Marienstr. 19-20, nahe Bhf Friedrichstraße
Geodaten: (N52.5222),( E13.3835)
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Tags: NSA, Whistleblower, IALANA, Geheimdienste, Frieden, Krieg, World beyond war

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David Hartsough will be speaking on World Beyond War

July 29, Berlin, Germany

David Hartsough will be speaking on World Beyond War at 6:00 p.m. at the office
of Ialana at Marienstr 19-20.

You are invited.

Please spread the word.

David Hartsough is the author, with Joyce Hollyday, of /Waging Peace: Global
Adventures of a Lifelong Activist/. Hartsough is executive director of
Peaceworkers, based in San Francisco, and is cofounder of the Nonviolent
Peaceforce. He is a Quaker and member of the San Francisco Friends Meeting. He
has a BA from Howard University and an MA in international relations from
Columbia University.

Hartsough has been working actively for nonviolent social change and peaceful
resolution of conflicts since he met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1956. Over
the last fifty years, he has led and been engaged in nonviolent peacemaking in
the United States, Kosovo, the former Soviet Union, Mexico, Guatemala, El
Salvador, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Iran, Palestine, Israel, and
many other countries.

He was also a peace educator and organized nonviolent movements for peace and
justice with the American Friends Service Committee for eighteen years.

Hartsough has been arrested more than a hundred times for participating in
demonstrations. He has worked in the movements for civil rights, against nuclear
weapons, to end the Vietnam War, to end the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan and to
prevent an attack on Iran.

Most recently, David is helping organize World Beyond War, a global movement to
end all wars:

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logos Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Creative Commons Bundesfreiwilligendienst Wir speichern nicht World Beyond War Tor - The onion router HTTPS - verschlüsselte Verbindungen nutzen Wir verwenden kein JavaScript Für Transparenz in der Zivilgesellschaft