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Berlin Congress on military and social spendingBeginn: Fr, 30. Sep 00:00 CEST 2016Ende: Mo, 03. Okt 00:00 CEST 2016 Ort: Berlin Kontakt: http://ipb2016.berlin/ Tags: Militär, Krieg, Frieden, International, UNO, Weltkongress, IPB, soziale Kosten, Rüstung Diesen Termin als .ics Kalendereintrag herunterladen: ![]() IPB has worked for over 10 years to develop a programme on Disarmament for Sustainable Development. A primary topic within this programme is military and social spending. In 2011 we launched the Global Day of Action on Military Spending In 2011 we launched the Global Day of Action on Military Spending and in late 2014 a year-round Global Campaign on Military Spending. The Berlin Congress — Disarm! For a Climate of Peace – Creating an Action Agenda. — will be the next highlight of this Campaign, bringing together a wide variety of experts and advocates from around the world. Such an event requires extensive preparation and for this reason we are approaching the SRMT for support. --- The International Peace Bureau (IPB, www.ipb.org), the oldest global peace network with more than 300 organizations in over 70 countries, founded in 1891/92. We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910); over the years, 13 of our officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. The IPB is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our current main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and within this, our focus is mainly on the reallocation of military expenditure. We believe that by reducing funding for the military sector, significant amounts of money could be released for social projects, domestically or abroad, which could lead to the fulfillment of real human needs and the protection of the environment. At the same time, we support a range of disarmament campaigns and supply data on the economic dimensions of weapons and conflicts. Our campaigning work on nuclear disarmament began already in the 1980s. Our network of member organisations, together with individual members, form a global community, bringing together knowledge and campaigning experience in a common cause. We link experts and advocates working on similar issues in order to build strong civil society movements. Our photo-exhibition Making Peace has been shown in many cities in Europe and beyond, reaching many thousands of people. IPB has had Consultative Status with the UN’s Economic and Social Council since 1977. We also have associate status with the Department of Public Information. IPB plays a central role in the Geneva-based NGO Committee for Disarmament, a committee of CONGO, the Conference of NGOs in Consultative Status with ECOSOC. There are sister committees in New York and Vienna. Together we follow various disarmament negotiations, within and outside the UN. Zurück zur Terminliste
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