Padua: 3rd FLOSS International Workshop on Free/Libre Open Source Software
Beginn: Do 2. Jul 00:00:00 CEST 2009Ende: Fr 3. Jul 23:59:59 CEST 2009
Ort: Palazzo Bo via VIII Febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova
Geodaten: (0),(0)
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3rd FLOSS International Workshop on Free/Libre Open Source Software
Free/Libre Open Source, Open Innovation and the Emergence of Open Business Models
Padua, 2/3 July 2009
Call for papers
Deadline for submission: March 31th, 2009
List of Topics
FLOSS embraces many dimensions and it is of interest for very different disciplines; we welcome submissions from various fields: economics & management, sociology, law, information systems & computer science. Both empirical (surveys and case studies, econometric or experimental methods) and theoretical approaches will be considered. In what follows we suggest a (non exhaustive) list of topics that are certainly of interest:
* Licensing terms and IPR (incentives for innovators, license proliferation and incompatibilities, the future of IPRs, etc.).
* Innovation models (FLOSS based innovation, open innovation, user innovation, public domain innovation, standards and interoperability, appropriability, sustainability and competitive advantage, etc.).
* FLOSS production and organization of FLOSS communities (social and technical structures, coordination and division of labor, code architectures, motivation, incentives, leadership and conflict resolution, etc.).
* Hybridization (degree of openness, business models, licensing terms, firms’ participation in FLOSS projects, etc.)
* From software to other complex systems (FLOSS boundaries, applications in other industries and in non-code based settings, etc.).
* Private and public adoption of FLOSS (FLOSS and the public administration, welfare impact, role of public policies, etc.).
* Competition between FLOSS and commercial software.
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