Demand justice for Freddie Gray!
Beginn: Sa, 02. Mai 12:00 CEST 2015Ende: Sa, 02. Mai 22:00 CEST 2015
Ort: Baltimore, Maryland, USA, City Hall, 100 Holliday St.
Geodaten: (N39.2908),(W76.6103)
Kartenausschnitt anzeigen:

Tags: Rassismus, Polizei, Gewalt, Demo, Menschenrechte,
Upcoming protests in Baltimore and nationwide: Justice for Freddie Gray!
The ANSWER Coalition encourages everyone to join protests in Baltimore and to take to the streets in their own cities and towns to demand justice for Freddie Gray, an end to racist police terror and to stand in solidarity with the people of Baltimore.
Below please find a list of recent and upcoming events.
Saturday, May 2
Massive National Rally Against Police Brutality in Baltimore
12 noon: Gathering at City Hall (100 Holiday St.)
2pm: Mass Rally at City Hall (100 Holiday St.)
6pm: Mass march through downtown Baltimore
Sponsored by Black Lawyers for Justice
For a list of daily activities in Baltimore, see #BaltimoreUprising
For a list of events around the country, click here
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